This program cleans a Reddit thread and stores the cleaned html file in the $PATH_TO_FOLDER/html/ folder. Use case: Convert html file to ebook formats like azw3 and epub using softwares like Calibre. This software was needed because many existing applications could not extract information properly from reddit threads.
- Create folder 'git' in your home directory
- Run the command 'git clone'
- Change to the newly created directory
- Run with java -cp .:$PATH_TO_FOLDER/jsoup-1.9.2.jar:$PATH_TO_FOLDER RedditRead
On Windows:
- Create folder 'git' in your home directory
- Run the command 'git clone'
- Change to the newly created directory
- Run with java -cp .;$PATH_TO_FOLDER/jsoup-1.9.2.jar;$PATH_TO_FOLDER RedditRead
Linux users may be able to add a shortcut to the run command as follows:
- Open ~/.bash_aliases
- Type 'alias reddittohtml="java -cp.:$PATH_TO_FOLDER/jsoup-1.9.2.jar:$PATH_TO_FOLDER RedditRead
- Save the file
- Type 'source ~/.bash_aliases'
- The command 'reddittohtml' in the command prompt should now work with the same functionality