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HW 2: Degrees of Freedom DOF in Robotics

Madi Babaiasl edited this page Sep 9, 2024 · 2 revisions

In this assignment, you will apply the concept of degrees of freedom (DOFs) to analyze the kinematic structure of a complex robot. Choose a relatively complex robot from your lab, maybe one of your courses, or even from the internship that you may had. Your task is to determine the DOFs of the selected robot using Grübler’s Formula.


  1. Select a relatively complex robot that you encountered before and has multiple joints and links. Note: A simple industrial robotic manipulator is not a complex robot but a quadruped robot is (30 points).
  2. Identify its joints and links, include the types of the joints, and the number of joints and links. Include diagrams or drawings of the robot to illustrate its joints and links (30 points).
  3. Apply Grübler’s Formula to calculate the DOFs of the selected robot (30 points):
  • Determine the number of bodies (N) and the number of joints (J) for your robot.
  • Determine the DOFs of a single body (m), based on whether it's a planar or spatial mechanism.
  • Use Grübler’s Formula to calculate the expected number of DOFs for the robot/mechanism.
  1. Verify your result by comparing the calculated DOFs with your understanding of the robot's actual mobility. Does this robot have internal DOFs as well? (10 points)


  • Submit your answers via Canvas.

Good luck!

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