Some tips about Biosoft-install
Haha! It's fabulous to use conda to manage your environment! Conda can do everything! I've got my R done with conda on the server! However, I don't know what happens to my WSL, while conda could not fix it when installing R. Still no idea.
This is a collection of tips for software installation. I notice that some problems occur during installation but I can't find a proper solution for them. Therefore, I create this repository with a collection of tips and files to solve the problems.
I will renew this repository when I meet problems during software installation and use.
This may be not useful for most people, but it's a record of what I have done and how I have solved problems.
If you guys have better suggestions, please add a comment. It's highly welcome. Please don't hack my email or my account.
Besides, I am not good at English writing. Please don't make fun of my words.
Yours, Margaret C