This repository contains project files for the Holberton AirBnB clone project! At a high level, the point of this project is to generate a mostly-functional AirBnB clone.
This project took place across four months, with four parts each. Every module in this repository has unittests in the folder tests
The first week involves building a Python console to interface with the higher-level aspects of the program. It uses a JSON file structure which will be replaced later by an actual SQL database.
Interactive Mode:
$ ./
(hbnb) help
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF help quit
(hbnb) quit
Non-interactive Mode:
$ echo "help" | ./
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF help quit
$ cat test_help
$ cat test_help | ./
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF help quit