Modulo per integrare la Yii con Prestashop
Prestashop Technical API Documentation
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
composer require "magicalella/yii2-prestashop" "*"
or add
"magicalella/yii2-prestashop": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
- Add component to your config file
'components' => [
// ...
'prestashop' => [
'class' => 'magicalella\prestashop\Prestashop',
'url' => 'URL Site prestashop',
'key' => 'API Keyu WebService PS',
'debug' => true/false,
'version' => 'version PS'
- Add new contact to Prestashop . Patch a contact by email. If contact does not exists, it is created
$prestashop = Yii::$app->prestashop;
$prestashop->$url = $this->$url;
$prestashop->key = $this->key;
$prestashop->debug = $this->debug;
$xml = $prestashop->get(['resource' => 'orders','limit'=> $off_set.','.$limit,'sort'=>'id_ASC']);
catch (BridgePSException $ex)
echo 'Error : '.$ex->getMessage();
Check Prestashop Technical API Documentation for all available options.