ruby_prolog by Preston Lee forked by Maks Kukarin I'm just updating and fixing all bugs in this nice and proper editing;
An object-oriented pure Ruby implementation of a Prolog-like DSL for easy AI and logical programming.
- Pure Ruby,
- Tested with Ruby 1.9.3,
- Object-oriented,
- Multiple Prolog environments can be created and manipulated simultaneously,
- Concurrent access to different core instances should be safe,
- Concurrent access to a single core instance might probably explode in odd ways;
See ruby_prolog_spec.rb for usage examples.
- Should work under all popular Ruby interpreters. Please report compatibility problems.
Debain-distros like installation:
- sudo gem install ruby-prolog
Windows installation:
- ruby gem install ruby-prolog
Mac OS X installation not tested yet
== LICENSE: ////
== TODO: add license information;