The purpose of this module is to present a Community Builder list of Users with a custom presentation-template with the possibility of using/presenting all user fields from CB and Joomla.
Example of presentation in front-end:
The only mandatory configuration for the module is selecting a CB list to show the users from.
<div class="yourclasstostyle"><p>[firstname] [lastname]<br/>[cb_yourfiled]</p></div>
<div class="yourclasstostyle">[avatar]<br /> <a href="cb-profile/[user_id]">[Name]</a>
<div class="role"><a href="departmens/[cb_department]">[cb_department]</a>,[cb_role]</div>
A basic set of rules will be created when creating the module. When creating custom tags make sure the tags that you are using within always have a value. For example see the avatar rule and show_avatar rule.