This repository contains a framework for the creation of a catkin package with ros interface. By Marius Grimm.
--> TODO
The code is commented in a way such that the documentation can autonomously be generated using Doxygen:
- Install doxygen:
$ sudo apt-get install doxygen doxygen-doc doxygen-gui graphviz
For futher information, see:
- Generate the documentation (html and latex) The doxygen configuration files are included in each package under the directory $(find package)/Doxygen/..._doxy
--> Go to the root directory of the package and start generating the documentation from the configuration file
$ cd <path to root of package>
$ doxygen Doxygen/..._doxy
--> Go to package the root of package catkinpkg_framework
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/catkinpkg_framework
$ doxygen Doxygen/catkinpkg_framework_doxygen_config
This will generate the html and latex documentation.