- A collaborative project of an online food delivery system.
- The Aim of this application is to form a bridge between restaurant and customers.
- project code = absent-sky-3233
- Mahipat Parmar
- Rahul Rathore
- Arup Mahato
- Chaitali Amale
- Abhijeet Sharma
- The Aim of this application is to form a bridge between restaurant and customers.
- The Restaurant owners must be able to sign in to the application to create and list out their food items along with the price
- So, that the customers could sign up , view the nearby restaurants and place the order.
- The customer selects the method of payment and makes a payment for his order.
- The restaurant owner can accept his order and delivery the order to customer
- Customer
- Restaurant
- java
- MySql
- Springboot
- hibernate
- swagger
- lombok
- spring JPA
1 : clone our Project into your machine Locally.
- open any terminal
- git clone https://github.com/mahipat303/absent-sky-3233.git
2 : Open Your STS
3 : Goto File -> Import -> Select Maven -> Choose Existing Maven -> click on browse -> choose the project location -> select the project -> finish
4 : Goto foodland -> src -> main -> resources -> application.properties
- change the database properties according to you
5 : Goto foodland -> src -> main -> java -> com -> foodland -> FoodlandApplication.java file as a springboot application
- Run FoodlandApplication.java file as a springboot application