This is a python module designed for working with astronomical spectra. In particular it includes a "Spectrum" class to store wavelengths, fluxes, errors, and features many routines for performing common tasks for spectroscopy.
- Spectra arithmetic (e.g. subtracting two spectra)
- Synthetic AB magnitudes (filter curves included)
- Unit conversion (e.g. "erg/(cm2 s AA)" --> "mJy")
- Apply redshifts, and conversion between air/vac wavelengths
- Wavelength Interpolation (including sinc/Lanczos)
- Interstellar reddening
- Gaussian convolution
- I/O Routines for reading/writing to various file types.
- Sky line fitting
- Python >= 3.6
- numpy
- matplotlib
- scipy
- astropy
- dustmaps
- trm-molly