This repository contains a workflow to deploy a self-hosted GitHub Actions runner on an Azure virtual machine. The runner is configured to connect to a specified GitHub repository or organization and is suitable for various CI/CD workloads.
To use this workflow, you must have a GitHub App with the following setup:
- Navigate to Settings > Developer Settings > GitHub Apps.
- Create a new GitHub App with the following organization permissions:
- Self-hosted runners: Read & Write
- Metadata: Read
- After creating the app, generate a Private Key
- Download the private key file
- Base64-encode the private key
cat <private-key.pem> | base64 -w0
- Store the following details as GitHub secrets in your repository
- APP_ID: The App ID of your GitHub App
- APP_KEY: The Base64-encoded private key
You need to provide Azure credentials as a secret in your repository for the workflow to interact with Azure resources.
Create a Service Principal with appropriate permissions:
- The Contributor role is required to manage Azure resources like VMs and resource groups.
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "GitHubRunnerSP" --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/<subscription-id> --sdk-auth # Replace <subscription-id> with your Azure Subscription ID.
Copy the output JSON securely and store it as a GitHub secret:
- AZURE_SP: Paste the entire JSON output as the value of this secret. Example JSON:
{ "clientId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "clientSecret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "subscriptionId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "tenantId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "activeDirectoryEndpointUrl": "", "resourceManagerEndpointUrl": "", "activeDirectoryGraphResourceId": "", "sqlManagementEndpointUrl": "", "galleryEndpointUrl": "", "managementEndpointUrl": "" }
- 🔄 Dynamically creates an Azure VM for the runner.
- 🔒 Configures and registers the runner using GitHub App authentication.
- 🌍 Supports multiple VM sizes and regions.
- 🏷️ Offers custom labels for targeting workflows.
- 🗝️ Securely uploads SSH keys as artifacts for debugging (optional).
- 🛠️ Includes installation of PowerShell Core for additional scripting capabilities.
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value | Options / Notes |
subscription_id |
Azure Subscription ID | ✔️ Yes | 'your-default-subscription-id' |
Provide your Azure subscription ID. |
resource_group |
Azure Resource Group | ✔️ Yes | 'github-runner-rg' |
Existing or new resource group. |
location |
Azure Location | ✔️ Yes | 'uksouth' |
Use any valid Azure region (e.g., westeurope , uksouth ). |
vm_size |
Azure VM Size | ✔️ Yes | 'Standard_B1s' |
Choose from Standard_B1s , Standard_D2s_v3 , Standard_F4s_v2 . |
runner_group |
GitHub Runner Group | ✔️ Yes | 'YourRunnerGroupName' |
Specify the group in your GitHub organization. |
runner_labels |
Custom labels for the GitHub runner | ✔️ Yes | 'bestrunner,vm,azure' |
Use labels for job targeting. |
admin_username |
Admin username for Azure VM | ✔️ Yes | 'azureuser' |
Username for SSH access. |
organization |
GitHub organization where the runner will be registered | ✔️ Yes | 'your-organization' |
Specify the organization name. |
upload_ssh_key |
Upload SSH key as artifact for debugging | ❌ No | 'false' |
true to upload the SSH key. |
- Navigate to the Actions tab in your GitHub repository.
- Select the "Create Azure VM Runner" workflow.
- Click Run Workflow.
- Fill in the required parameters or use defaults.
- Installs
on the GitHub-hosted runner.
- Generates a JWT for secure GitHub App authentication.
- Fetches the registration token for the runner.
- Registers the runner to the specified GitHub organization and group.
- Automatically creates the VM in the specified resource group and location.
- Configures the runner with custom labels for workflow targeting.
- Installs PowerShell Core on the Azure VM.
- Enables SSH access for debugging purposes.
- If
, retrieve the key from the workflow artifacts.
- Retrieve the VM's public IP from the workflow logs or Azure portal.
- Connect to the VM using SSH:
ssh -i github_runner_key azureuser@<vm-public-ip>