Tradeshift Challenge
We in Amazing Co need to model how our company is structured so we can do awesome stuff.
We have a root node (only one) and several children nodes, each one with its own children as well. It's a tree-based structure.
Something like:
/ \
a b
We need two HTTP APIs that will serve the two basic operations:
- Get all children nodes of a given node (the given node can be anyone in the tree structure).
- Change the parent node of a given node (the given node can be anyone in the tree structure).
They need to answer quickly, even with tons of nodes. Also, we can't afford to lose this information, so some sort of persistence is required.
Each node should have the following info:
- node identification
- who is the parent node
- who is the root node
- the height of the node. In the above example, height(root) = 0 and height(a) == 1.
Our boss is evil and we can only have docker and docker-compose on our machines. So your server needs to be ran using them.
Use the following command to run tests:
# mvn test
To build the project use the following command:
# mvn package
After that, a file named tree-0.0.1.war is created under the target folder
For running this program you should have a PostgreSQL database, start a database by using following command:
# docker run -e POSTGRES_USER=test -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=test123 -e POSTGRES_DB=tree -p 5432:5432 library/postgres
After starting the docker you can run the application.
You can run it with this command:
# java -jar target/tree-0.0.1.war
You can use the war file as a executable and deployable war file. Copy the war file to an application server web container and start it.
You should change the database address from localhost to app-db in file, before building the project.
After building the project, copy the created war file to ./docker/web-docker/
# cp target/tree.0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war docker/web-docker/
Copy docker folder to your server and run docker-compose command
# docker-compose up
This command start 3 docker container, one for PostgreSQL database, one for tomcat web server and one for storing the PostgreSQL data.
You can get the app docker image with running the following command:
# docker pull majidkabir/tree
Before running this image you shoud start the postgres docker.
Extra information can be found here