This repository contains the Liquidity Book contracts, as well as tests and deploy scripts.
The LBPair is the contract that contains all the logic of the actual pair for swaps, adds, removals of liquidity and fee claiming. This contract should never be deployed directly, and the factory should always be used for that matter.
The LBToken is the contract that is used to calculate the shares of a user. The LBToken is a new token standard that is similar to ERC-1155, but without any callbacks (for safety reasons) and any functions or variables relating to ERC-721.
The LBFactory is the contract used to deploy the different pairs and acts as a registry for all the pairs already created. There are also privileged functions such as setting the parameters of the fees, the flashloan fee, setting the pair implementation, set if a pair should be ignored by the quoter and add new presets. Unless the
, only the owner of the factory can create pairs. -
The LBRouter is the main contract that user will interact with as it adds security checks. Most users shouldn't interact directly with the pair.
The LBQuoter is a contract that is used to return the best route of all those given. This should be used before a swap to get the best return on a swap.
For more information, go to the documentation and the whitepaper.
Foundry documentation can be found here.
Open your terminal and type in the following command:
curl -L | bash
This will download foundryup. Then install Foundry by running:
To update foundry after installation, simply run foundryup
again, and it will update to the latest Foundry release.
You can also revert to a specific version of Foundry with foundryup -v $VERSION
If you use Windows, you need to build from source to get Foundry.
Download and run rustup-init
from It will start the installation in a console.
After this, run the following to build Foundry from source:
cargo install --git foundry-cli anvil --bins --locked
To update from source, run the same command again.
To install dependencies, run the following to install dependencies:
forge install
To run tests, run the following command:
forge test