Laravel simple tool for word counting tasks. Powered by dev team
Add in your composer.json:
"require": {
"malahierba-lab/word-counter": "0.*"
Then you need run the composer update
Important: For documentation purposes, in the examples below, always we assume than you import the library into your namespace using use Malahierba\WordCounter;
$wordcounter = new WordCounter;
// Load string to analize
$wordcounter->load('some text');
// Count all words
$total = $wordcounter->countTotalWords();
// Count each word
// You receive an array with objects:
// -> word
// -> count
$eachWord = $wordcounter->countEachWord();
//example to get info for each word
foreach ($eachWord as $item) {
$word = $item->word;
$count = $item->count;
This project has MIT licence. For more information please read LICENCE file.