An anisette data provider, but in a Python package! Based on pyprovision-uc. has a very simple API. You, the developer, are responsible for initializing, loading and saving the state of the Anisette engine, either to memory or to disk. If you want to keep your provisioning session, you MUST save and load the state properly. If you don't, you WILL run into errors. See the docs for information on how to do this.
The Anisette provider must be initialized with libraries from the Apple Music APK. To save you some effort, a Cloudflare Worker has been set up to provide easy access to these libraries. By default, the will download this library bundle (~3 megabytes) when initializing a new session, but you can also provide an APK file or downloaded bundle yourself.
from anisette import Anisette
# First use: download from Cloudflare
ani = Anisette.init()
# After download, save library bundle to disk
# For future use, initialize from disk:
ani2 = Anisette.init("libs.bin")
The first time you call this method will probably take a few seconds since the virtual device needs to be provisioned first. After provisioning, getting Anisette data should be quite fast.
# Returns:
# {
# 'X-Apple-I-MD': '...',
# 'X-Apple-I-MD-M': '...',
# ...
# }
A huuuge portion of the work has been done by @JayFoxRox in their pyprovision-uc project. I just rewrote most of their code :-)