Write a program that will determine the type of a triangle.
- It should take the lengths of the triangle’s three sides as input and return whether the triangle is equilateral, isosceles, or scalene.
- We are looking for solutions that showcase problem-solving skills and structural considerations that can be applied to larger and potentially more complex problem domains.
- Pay special attention to tests, readability, and error cases.
The solution is written as a .Net Web API project.
The solution is structured in 4 source projects:
- Api - The Web API project (this is the project that is started when the application is started)
- Application - The application logic (the core of the application; this is limited in this case, but in a real-world application, this would be the place to put the application logic)
- Domain - The domain model and logic (business logic of the application)
- Contracts - The contracts for the application (response records in this case)
And 2 test projects:
- Api.Tests - Integration tests for the Web API testing the full from request to response (using the WebApplicationFactory)
- Domain.Tests - Unit tests for the domain logic
The Web API is hosted on https://shapeclassification.azurewebsites.net
The API has one endpoint: /shape
. The endpoint accepts a GET
request with a Query param called sides ?sides=202,205,196
(for now, the endpoint only supports triangles; the endpoint could easily be extended to support quadrants, for example).
The sides query param is a comma-separated list of integers or doubles (using .
as a decimal separator).
The endpoint returns a JSON response with the classification of the shape, the type, and the sides of the requested shape.
"value": {
"classification": "Scalene",
"type": "Triangle",
"sides": [
In the TypeOfShape.Api
project, there is a ShapeClassification.http
file that can be used to test the API.
Three different host environments for the HTTP file can be used:
- prod - The production environment (the deployed API on Azure)
- local-https - The local environment using HTTPS
- local-http - The local environment using HTTP
The API contains error handling for the following cases:
- The sides provided are not able to be parsed into a list of numbers
- There are not exactly three sides provided
- Invalid Input (not a number, negative number, zero, etc.)
- Invalid triangle (flat triangle, impossible triangle, etc.)
Example error response:
"error": {
"code": "TriangleErrors.FlatTriangleError",
"message": "Triangle is flat"
The solution uses the following packages:
- ErrorOr - A package providing a fluent discriminated union for error and result handling
- xunit - A unit testing framework
- FluentAssertions - A package providing fluent assertions for unit testing
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing - A package providing a WebApplicationFactory for integration testing
- coverlet.collector - A package providing code coverage for unit testing