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HTTP StatusCodes for Swift

Version License Platform

This is a port of my Objective-C version here


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


StatusCodes is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'StatusCodes'

Carthage is also supported use following to install:

github "manGoweb/StatusCodes"

Available status codes

public enum StatusCodes: Int {
    // Informational
    case Code100Continue = 100
    case Code101SwitchingProtocols = 101
    case Code102Processing = 102
    // Success
    case Code200OK = 200
    case Code201Created = 201
    case Code202Accepted = 202
    case Code203NonAuthoritativeInformation = 203
    case Code204NoContent = 204
    case Code205ResetContent = 205
    case Code206PartialContent = 206
    case Code207MultiStatus = 207
    case Code208AlreadyReported = 208
    case Code209IMUsed = 209
    // Redirection
    case Code300MultipleChoices = 300
    case Code301MovedPermanently = 301
    case Code302Found = 302
    case Code303SeeOther = 303
    case Code304NotModified = 304
    case Code305UseProxy = 305
    case Code306SwitchProxy = 306
    case Code307TemporaryRedirect = 307
    case Code308PermanentRedirect = 308
    // Client error
    case Code400BadRequest = 400
    case Code401Unauthorised = 401
    case Code402PaymentRequired = 402
    case Code403Forbidden = 403
    case Code404NotFound = 404
    case Code405MethodNotAllowed = 405
    case Code406NotAcceptable = 406
    case Code407ProxyAuthenticationRequired = 407
    case Code408RequestTimeout = 408
    case Code409Conflict = 409
    case Code410Gone = 410
    case Code411LengthRequired = 411
    case Code412PreconditionFailed = 412
    case Code413RequestEntityTooLarge = 413
    case Code414RequestURITooLong = 414
    case Code415UnsupportedMediaType = 415
    case Code416RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416
    case Code417ExpectationFailed = 417
    case Code418IamATeapot = 418
    case Code419AuthenticationTimeout = 419
    case Code420MethodFailureSpringFramework = 420
    case Code420EnhanceYourCalmTwitter = 4200
    case Code422UnprocessableEntity = 422
    case Code423Locked = 423
    case Code424FailedDependency = 424
    case Code424MethodFailureWebDaw = 4240
    case Code425UnorderedCollection = 425
    case Code426UpgradeRequired = 426
    case Code428PreconditionRequired = 428
    case Code429TooManyRequests = 429
    case Code431RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = 431
    case Code444NoResponseNginx = 444
    case Code449RetryWithMicrosoft = 449
    case Code450BlockedByWindowsParentalControls = 450
    case Code451RedirectMicrosoft = 451
    case Code451UnavailableForLegalReasons = 4510
    case Code494RequestHeaderTooLargeNginx = 494
    case Code495CertErrorNginx = 495
    case Code496NoCertNginx = 496
    case Code497HTTPToHTTPSNginx = 497
    case Code499ClientClosedRequestNginx = 499
    // Server error
    case Code500InternalServerError = 500
    case Code501NotImplemented = 501
    case Code502BadGateway = 502
    case Code503ServiceUnavailable = 503
    case Code504GatewayTimeout = 504
    case Code505HTTPVersionNotSupported = 505
    case Code506VariantAlsoNegotiates = 506
    case Code507InsufficientStorage = 507
    case Code508LoopDetected = 508
    case Code509BandwidthLimitExceeded = 509
    case Code510NotExtended = 510
    case Code511NetworkAuthenticationRequired = 511
    case Code522ConnectionTimedOut = 522
    case Code598NetworkReadTimeoutErrorUnknown = 598
    case Code599NetworkConnectTimeoutErrorUnknown = 599
    public var code: Int {
        return rawValue



Ondrej Rafaj, [email protected]


StatusCodes is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.