Manas Das ([email protected])
Deploying smart garbage bins for real time waste management system is one of the key applications of a smart city system. Municipal authorities need an efficient way to clear the trash from all public places before it becomes a mess. And this needs to be achieved with the minimum overhead of cost and impact to the city dwellers. LoRaWAN is one of the earlier LPWAN technologies that envisages a city-wide network for keeping track of public infrastructure assets. Once fitted with a BLS(Bin Level Sensing) device on a trash can, LoRaWAN allows the city authorities to keep a tab on the bins via wireless connectivity. LoRaWAN does suffer from some limitations, such as extremely low data rates, higher collision and deteriorated network performance with increasing number of nodes and inability to perform over the air updates to the device.
Remove the items that do no apply to your project and keep the remaining ones.
- Arduino/Embedded C
- LoRa
- KiCad
- Python
- Javascript
- Designed PCB with Atmega328p & Lora Module
To run the dashboard app, please go inside the folder from terminal and type nodejs app.js
Please give references to importance resources.
- [LoRa Module]
- Arduino Low-Power Library :-
- All other references are put in the report.