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🐛 bug
:bug: bug
Something isn't working
😕 needs info
:confused: needs info
Further information is needed
👩‍🦱 IDA
:curly_haired_woman: IDA
Related to IDA or an IDA plugin
:cyclone: COMMANDO-VM
A package or future to be used by COMMANDO VM
:cyclone: FLARE-VM
A package or feature to be used by FLARE-VM
💎 enhancement
:gem: enhancement
It is working, but it could be better
❔ discussion
:grey_question: discussion
Further discussion is needed
🆕 package
:new: package
New package request/idea/PR
📄 documentation
:page_facing_up: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
🏃 CI
:runner: CI
Related to CI
send PR
send PR
Triggers a workflow that send a PR for the package issue