pip install hashedindex
python index_creation.py filepath
python index_creation.py wiki_22
Following files will be generated(name of index files hard-coded in index_creation.py)
index.txt bigram_index.txt docids.txt
define a query in query.txt file
python test_queries.py filepath_of_query filepath_of_inverted_index filepath_of_bigramindex filepath_of_docids
For Example
python test_queries.py query.txt index.txt bigram_index.txt docids.txt
python test_queries.py query.txt index.txt bigram_index.txt docids.txt 1
python test_queries.py query.txt index.txt bigram_index.txt docids.txt 2
Sample queries to be put in query.txt file: (one query at a time)
MIAA members and history
International Airports