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Releases: mandymejia/ciftiTools


20 Sep 19:39
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  • move_to_submask and move_from_submask
  • add support for writing older xiftis w/o "Other" level in sub labels
  • fix subcortex bugs


28 Jun 11:39
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0.15.1 accepted to CRAN


26 Feb 14:10
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Minor fixes and improvements.


21 Jan 14:08
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ciftiTools now has a couple functions which make working with parcellations easier. (A parcellation is a single-column dlabel CIFTI or "xifti" object. Each label level, or "Key", represents a "parcel." Each location belongs to exactly one parcel. Parcels are usually contiguous regions--but not necessarily. ciftiTools includes a few of the most commonly-used parcellations. These can be loaded with load_parc. Any other parcellation CIFTI file can be read in with read_cifti.)

  • apply_parc: Apply a parcellation "xifti" to a data "xifti". Can be used to compute the mean of each column, e.g. for FC calculation, but also supports applying any other function parcel-wise.
  • parc_vals_to_xifti: Create a "xifti" from a parcellation and a numeric matrix of values corresponding to each parcel.

Other new functions:

  • remap_cifti: an extension of resampling. Beware, we might revamp this function in the future.
  • surf_area: computes the surface area attributable to each vertex or face of a "surf" object.

Changes to existing functions:

  • convert_xifti, convert_to_dlabel: arguments related to levels & labels have been renamed to match factor more closely.
  • separate_cifti and write_xifti2: now require users to provide either the write_dir argument, or file names for each desired output file. This gives users more flexibility to control which files are written.
  • view_xifti qualitative color legend: add black outline.
  • view_xifti, view_volume: print out indices of the selected subcortical slices.
  • unmask_subcortex: now expects xifti input. If necessary, use the internal function ciftiTools:::unvec_vol to unmask a numeric matrix directly.

Bug fixes:

  • view_xifti: fix bug where legend image was still written if legend_fname=NULL.

13.1 also includes misc. documentation and warning improvements.


21 Aug 21:49
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New features

  • Proper writing out of dlabel CIFTI data. Fixed problems if multiple columns or with subcortical data.
  • Add even_vert_samp.
  • Add apply_parc.
  • Add set_names_xifti.
  • Add NA_color argument to view_xifti_surface.
  • Add shadows argument to view_xifti_surface.
  • mask_surf takes in a "surf" object now.

Misc. documentation and warning improvements.


23 Jan 20:02
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11.0 (Jan 23, 2023)

Changes to default behaviors

  • Add crop to view_xifti_volume; the default is TRUE. Previously the subcortical images were cropped to the anatomical image; now the default is to crop them to the data.
  • Change default of orientation_labels in view_xifti_volume to TRUE.
  • Allow NA and NaN values in "xifti" objects with label data. Leave these values alone rather than making them into factor levels.
  • Add warning if surface data are being upsampled
  • Delete helper file surfaces written by smooth_cifti rather than returning their file paths.

New features

  • Add adaptive resampling for surface data. The default remains barycentric.
  • Add surface manipulation functions from BayesfMRI.
  • Allow xii + mat (and other operations)
  • Add scientific argument to view_xifti. By default, scientific notation is determined automatically (as before).
  • Misc. patches


  • Add lit vs unlit comparison to README
  • Improved citations

10.0 (July 5, 2022)

  • Fix error during resampling when only one hemisphere is present
  • Better file I/O on mounted Google Drive
  • Add new viridis color palettes
  • Coerce new data input to newdata_xifti to numeric
  • Add file extension to file name in write_xifti automatically, if not provided


16 May 13:59
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New features

  • Add convention and orientation_labels to view_xifti_volume (default: neurological, instead of radiological as it's been previously)
  • Add together_ncol to view_xifti_* to control compositing layout
  • Add fname argument to view_comp to save the result to a PNG file
  • Allow "xifti" objects to have different resolutions in the left and right cortex
  • Add citation to welcome message

Behind-the-scenes improvements

  • Better file path management for system commands
  • Better use of S3 group methods for Math, Ops, Summary functions
  • Replace coveralls with codecov
  • Misc. patches


01 Feb 14:57
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  • Add more support for reading in v1 CIFTI files
  • Better handling of file paths
  • Better handling of optional "xifti" metadata
  • remove_xifti can delete individual subcortical structures now
  • Add scale_xifti which works like scale
  • Fix resamp_res argument to make_surf (missing on CRAN 8.0)
  • Update link to publication (missing on CRAN 8.0)


18 Nov 16:33
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  • Add view_comp, and the argument together to view_xifti_surface and view_xifti_volume
  • Fixes to view_xifti_surface and view_xifti_volume
  • Add limited support for v1 CIFTI
  • Fix some file paths of written files
  • Lower default surface smoothing from sigma = 5 to sigma = 3
  • Add trans_units to subcortex metadata
  • Rename write_cifti_components as write_xifti2 and export
  • Add (in)equalities between "xifti" objects
  • Add workbench download URL to start message.
  • Add internal functions vox_locations and edit_mask_surf


16 Sep 16:16
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  • Revamped subcortical visualization with view_xifti_volume! Added tests for it.
  • plot will now show both the cortex and subcortex, if both are present. The plots will share the color mode, color palette, and zlim.
  • Revamped summary/print for "xifti" objects
  • Faster border computation in read_xifti_surface