A full-stack clojure application deployed to API Gateway, AWS Lambda, S3 and Dynamodb
WARNING: This application was built as a proof-of-concept and as such the code should not be considered production ready.
In order to deploy this application you will need to install the Serverless Framework using npm
# Install serverless framework
npm install -g serverless
# Install serverless S3 plugin
npm install --save serverless-finch
# Setup AWS Credentials
aws configure
lein test
lein clean
lein cljsbuild once min
serverless client deploy -s dev
lein clean
lein uberjar
serverless deploy -s dev
https://github.com/mhjort/ring-apigw-lambda-proxy - APIGateway Ring Middleware
https://github.com/uswitch/lambada - Clojure library for writing Lambda functions