Group project with me and Panagiotis Fotopoulos.
Requirements: cabal and parsec
Load file skeleton.hs and run with the appropriate commands
>strue --string of l-term true
>ltrue --haskell type l-term true
Abstraction "x" (Abstraction "y" (Var "x"))
>lnot ltrue
Application (Abstraction "z" (Application (Application (Var "z") (Abstraction "x" (Abstraction "y" (Var "y")))) (Abstraction "x" (Abstraction "y" (Var "x"))))) (Abstraction "x" (Abstraction "y" (Var "x")))
>reduce (lnot ltrue) --functions returns number of b/h-redex steps, and type of reduction in each step
Res (Abstraction "x" (Abstraction "y" (Var "y"))) 3 [Application (Abstraction "z" (Application (Application (Var "z") (Abstraction "x" (Abstraction "y" (Var "y")))) (Abstraction "x" (Abstraction "y" (Var "x"))))) (Abstraction "x" (Abstraction "y" (Var "x"))),Application (Application (Abstraction "x" (Abstraction "y" (Var "x"))) (Abstraction "x" (Abstraction "y" (Var "y")))) (Abstraction "x" (Abstraction "y" (Var "x"))),Application (Abstraction "y" (Abstraction "x" (Abstraction "y" (Var "y")))) (Abstraction "x" (Abstraction "y" (Var "x")))] ["b-redex","b-redex","b-redex"]
>getresult ( reduce (lnot ltrue)) --returns only the final term from reduce
Abstraction "x" (Abstraction "y" (Var "y"))
>prettyprint (lfact 3) --prints a human readble format of the l-term
"(\f.(\x.f(xx))(\x.f(xx)))\n(\f.\n \n.\n (\z.\x.\y.zxy)((\x.x(\x.\z.z(\x.\y.y)x)(\x.x)(\x.\y.x))n)(\f.\x.fx)\n ((\n.\m.\f.n(mf))n(f((\x.\y.\z.x(\p.\q.q(py))(\y.z)(\x.x))n))))\n(\f.\x.f(f(fx)))"