Send data to the clients in real time with SSE technology
npm install sse-node
git clone
const SSE = require("sse-node"),
http = require("http");
http.createServer((req, res) => {
if (req.url !== "/sse") return res.end();
// This will open a SSE connection on the request and will send the message to the client.
// On disconnection, a message is logged.
const client = SSE(req, res);
client.send("Hello world!");
client.onClose(() => console.log("Bye client!"));
const SSE = require("sse-node"),
app = require("express")();
app.get("/sse", (req, res) => {
const client = SSE(req, res);
client.send("Hello world!");
client.onClose(() => console.log("Bye client!"));
const SSE = require("sse-node"),
app = require("koa")();
app.use(function *(next) { // Also compatible with Koa 2, see the doc for the changes
if (this.url !== "/sse") return;
const client = SSE(this.req, this.res);
client.send("Hello world!");
client.onClose(() => console.log("Bye client!"));
On the client side, just connect with javascript to the server with:
var es = new EventSource("/sse");
es.onmessage = function(ev) {
alert(; //will output 'Hello world!'
// You can also listen other events with .addEventListener()
SSE(request, response, [options])
Wrap a HTTP request/response object with this function to create a SSE connection for the incoming request.
*Options* can have the following properties:
`ping`: When to send a ping to the client each X seconds (by default is disabled)
`retry`: After how many millisecons to retry the connection (by default is 3000)
`padding`: Some older browsers require to write a 2KB padding when the SSE connection starts.
By default this is disabled.
This function returns a object with the following methods:
.send(data, [event])
*Data* can be anything. Objects will get serialized
*Event*: You can send a message to a specific event and listen to it on the client side
with ev.addEventListener("eventName", function). By default, all messages are sent to the 'message' event
When the client disconnects, will call the specified callback. The param is optional because this function
also clears the ping interval when set.
node test
Then navigate with your browser to http://localhost:9090
and open the javascript console