The Schwapp App displays the water temperature of well known rivers of Switzerland. Data source is the Federal Office for Environment.
- Node 4.x or better
- React Native for development
- Xcode for iOS development (optional)
- Android SDK for Android development (optional)
- Android Lollipop or better for Android device testing (optional)
Clone this repository and install the dependencies:
git clone
cd schwapp
npm install
Once dependencies are installed, run the schwapp app with:
npm start
This will start the React Packager.
Open ios/App.xcodeproj
in Xcode, build and run the project.
Open Android Studio and run a Simulator.
react-native run-android
Building the app for distribution.
- Open
- Uncomment
jsCodeLocation = [[NSBundle mainBundle] ...
- The JS bundle will be built for dev or prod depending on your app's scheme (Debug = development build with warnings, Release = minified prod build with perf optimizations). To change the scheme navigate to
Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme... in xcode and change
Build Configurationbetween