A image color replacer thant takes in an image and switches the rgb colors based on various settings and the writes these changes to a copy of the image.
./image_color_replacer.py [filename] [color-to-replace] [color-to-replace-with] [highliting-code]
The options for color are r, g and b.
The options for highliting are:
t - true. Increases the color value of the color being changed to realtive to the other colors.
ts - true, soft. Increases the color being changed to but half the reltive ammout.
td - true, double. Increases the color being changed to but doubles the reltive ammont.
f - false. Switches the colors without increasing the relative ammont.
If we want to switch all the blue in an image with an equal red ammunt we write:
./image_color_replacer.py img.jpg b r f
If we want to switch all the green in an image with a slightly increased blue ammunt we write:
./image_color_replacer.py img.jpg g b ts