The only dependency for exercise 1 is ros and rospy
- Use catkin build to initialize the workspace.
cd kthfs catkin build
- Source the setup.bash file from the devel folder
source devel/setup.bash
- Start roscore in another terminal.
- Use the lanch file in package2 to start the subscriber node and publisher node
roslaunch package2 package2_subscriber_node.launch
After the last step you should see this being printed to the terminal
[INFO] [1650568812.225029]: 352
[INFO] [1650568812.226927]: publishing 2346.66666667 to /kthfs/result
pip3 install numpy
Or visit for installation instructions
pip3 install matplotlib
Or visit for installation instructions
Is included in standard python library. If not use
pip3 install tk
Open a terminal in exec2 folder and run
chmod +x ./