此为(标小智)龙珠体 的公开仓库。在此提供了源文件及历史记录。
This is the public repository for (LogoSC) LongZhuTi. Source files and history records are recorded here.
本字型是在 RocknRoll One 的基础上补上简化字和简体中文常用字符。目前本字体支援 GB/T 2312 及元素周期表的元素名称。
This font is based on RocknRoll One and further expanded for Chinese (Simplified). Currently this font supports GB/T 2312 and names for chemical elements in the periodic table.
感谢本字型在 标小智 的慷慨赞助下得以完成。本字型在猫啃网所发布的版本为冠名版「标小智龙珠体」,此处发布的版本与该冠名版(非简体子集)的字体内容一样。
Thanks is given to LogoSC for supporting us to complete the font. The version of this font released on Maoken.com is with the naming “LogoSC LongZhuTi”, the version released here is the same as the named version (not SC subsetted) released on Maoken.com.
请前往 发布页 下载龙珠体的最新版本。
Please visit Release page to download the latest version of LongZhuTi.
本字体基于 SIL Open Font License v1.1 (SIL 开源字型授权,1.1 版)修改 RocknRoll One。
This font is modified from RocknRoll One under SIL Open Font License v1.1.
本字体亦在 SIL Open Font License v1.1 (SIL 开源字型授权,1.1 版)下公开发布,详细的授权条款可参阅 License 文件(简中译版参考)。
This font is also publicly released under SIL Open Font License v1.1. Please refer to the License file for details of the license.
Under this license, you can:
自由商用 Free for commercial use
Use the font with no payment or attribution to the author including commercial use. -
自由散播 Free for redistribution
Embed the font into any systems and software without requiring written permission. -
自由修改 Free for modification
可以把字体修改重制成其它字库,但是修改后的字库也必须要依 SIL Open Font License (SIL 开源字型授权)释出。
Modify the font into other fonts, but the modified font must be also released under SIL Open Font License.
请运行 ./sources/build.bat
。需要安装 fontmake
Please run ./sources/build.bat
. Requires fontmake
感谢 Fontworks 开源 RocknRoll One.
Thank you to Fontworks for open-sourcing RocknRoll One.
(以 Unicode 排序/Sorted by Unicode)
- chaotawei
- iGeorgome
- little white dog
- 刘鹏
- 奈白不弍
- 帆影 Magmeta
- 时光羊
- 白日月球
- 荆南字坊
- 雨三
- 频凡
(以 Unicode 排序/Sorted by Unicode)
- iGeorgome
- 帆影 Magmeta
- 荆南字坊
- 频凡