- this templates works with 3.3.x
- mapbender-workshop provides a bundle that can be used for individualized design templates
- you can use this for the adaptation of the frontend and backend
- currently this bundle is used in workshops and various projects
- Get a detailed description about how to use the Workshop-Bundle for your applications at:
- http://doc.mapbender.org/en/book/templates.html
If you would like to try the digitize demo you need a PostgreSQL database with the demo tables.
You can either:
- load the database backup (PostgreSQL 13/PostGIS 3.1) https://github.com/mapbender/mapbender-workshop/geobasis.backup
- Or create the tables as defined in the documentation https://doc.mapbender.org/en/functions/editing/digitizer.html#sql-for-the-demo-tables