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Mapcode Library for Ada

License Release

Copyright (C) 2003-2018 Stichting Mapcode Foundation (


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Original C library created by Pieter Geelen. Work on Java version of the Mapcode library by Rijn Buve and Matthew Lowden. Port into Ada (except multi-language support) by Pascal Malaise.

The original Ada port can be found at:

Ada Files for Mapcode Support

The following files, in directory src, provide utilities and data for mapcode processing:                 - Root package of the utilities: as_u.adb                 - Unbounded strings bits.adb                 - Bit operations and .adb            - String utilities                         - Private data table for mapcode support                 - Private definition of language sets
language_utils.adb and .adb       - Private utilites for languages

The following files provide the Ada interface for mapcodes: mapcode.adb           - Key operations for mapcode support                     - Nums, Codes and Names of territories and .adb   - Key operations for language conversion

The following file contains the main procedure for testing the interfaces:

t_mapcode.adb                     - Command line tool to test Ada mapcodes

In directory test, the command fulltest launches a complete test of the library.

Using the Library

Operations related to territories

A territory is identified either by a number (a string of 1 to 3 digits such as "42"), or by a code (an ISO 3166 code such as “NLD” or "US-DC") with some possible aliases (example "US" = "USA").

Large territories (MX, IN, AU, BR, US, CA, RU and CN) are decomposed into subdivisions.

A territory is designated by a unique territory identifier of (a private) type Territories.

Get_Territory returns the territory identifier of a territory code. An optional context helps to interpret ambiguous (abbreviated) alphacodes of subdivisions, such as "AL". If the territory code is not known or if several subdivisions match the specification (no context provided) it raises the exception Unknown_Territory.

Note: The check for ambiguity is strict among subdivisions but does not apply to aliases. As a consequence, "TAM" corresponds to "MX-TAM" without error despite "RU-TAM is also an alias for "RU-TT". (Aliases are not ambiguous among them, but would it be the case then Get_Territory would return one of them without error).

Attribute Description
Territory_Code string, the ISO code such as “USA”, or number image such as "232" of the territory to search
Context optional string, an ISO code such as “US” (but territory numbers are not accepted) indicating the territory when Territory_Code is a subdivision
return value Territories, territory identifier
exceptions Unknown_Territory if the territory code is not known or ambiguous


Search a territory with an ambiguous code.

Get_Territory ("AR")
-> Unknown_Territory

Non ambiguous code.

Get_Territory ("IN-AR")
-> 285              // IN-AR/Arunachal Pradesh

Ambiguous code and context.

Get_Territory ("IN", "AR")
-> 285              // IN-AR/Arunachal Pradesh

Get_Territory_Number of a territory returns the string image of a territory, from "0" for "VAT" (Vatican), to "532" for "AAA" (International).

Attribute Description
Territory Territories, the identifier of the territory to get the number of
return value string image of the number of Territory

Get_Territory_Alpha_Code returns the territory ISO 3166 code of a territory.

Attribute Description
Territory Territories
Format either Local (often ambiguous), International (full and unambiguous, default), or Shortest
return value string, territory ISO code


Get_Territory_Alpha_Code (365)
-> "US-AR"

Get_Territory_Alpha_Code (365, Local)
-> "AR"

Get_Territory_Alpha_Code (365, Shortest)
-> "US-AR"        // Because AR is ambiguous (IN-AR)

Get_Territory_Alpha_Code (391, Shortest)
-> "CA"           // US-CA, not ambiguous

Get_Territory_Fullname returns the full common name of a territory. From the names defined in package Countries, this is the string up to the first ' (' if any.

Attribute Description
Territory Territories
return value string, territory name


Get_Territory_Fullname (391)
-> California

Get_Parent_Of returns the parent territory of a subdivision.

Attribute Description
Territory Territories
return value Territories, parent territory identifier
exceptions Not_A_Subdivision, if the Territory has no parent (i.e. is not a subdivision)

Is_Subdivision returns True if the provided territory is a subdivision.

attribute description
Territory Territories
return value boolean, True if and only if the Territory is a subdivision

Has_Subdivision returns True if the provided territory has subdivisions.

attribute description
Territory Territories
return value boolean, True if and only if the Territory has some subdivisions

Get_Subdivisions_With returns the array (possibly empty) of territories with the same subdivision name (suffix) as the one provided.

attribute description
Subdivision String
return value array of Territories that have the same subdivision name as Subdivision


Get_Subdivisions_With ("AL")
-> 364    // US-AL
   318    // BR-AL
   482    // RU-AL

Converting a Coordinate into Mapcodes

In the mapcode system, territories are limited by rectangles, not by actual or political borders. This means that a coordinate will often yield mapcode possibilities in more than one territory. Each possibility correctly represents the coordinate, but which one is politically correct is a choice that must be made (in advance or afterwards) by the caller or user of the routines.

There is only one operation, Encode, which generates the possible mapcodes for a coordinate. At least it takes as input a latitude in degrees (all values allowed, maximized by routine to 90.0 and minimized to -90.0) and a longitude in degrees (all values allowed, wrapped to -180.0 and +180.0).

The other arguments are options to be adapted to the situation.

The operation returns an array (possibly with only one element) of mapcodes.

attribute description
Coord coordinate (latitude and longitude in degrees, reals) to encode as mapcodes
Territory optional string, an ISO code (such as “NLD”) or territory number (such as "112") to restrict the territory scope of the mapcodes
Shortest boolean, default True, to return only the shortest possible mapcode for the territory or each possible territory
Precision 0 to 8, default 0, precision of the mapcode to generate
Sort sort the territories so that the shortest mapcode appears first
return value array of mapcode informations (territory ISO code, mapcode, full mapcode, and territory number)

This function will return at least one result: the shortest mapcode (if any) that exists for that coordinate within the specified territory. Such a mapcode is also sometimes called the “default mapcode” for a particular territory.
The resulting array is always organized by territories: all the mapcodes of a territory follow each other and in order of increasing length.
If Sort is set, then the returned array contains first the shortest mapcode, then possibly the other mapcodes for the same territory, then possibly mapcodes for other territories, then possibly the international (Earth) mapcode, otherwise the territories appear in the crescent order of Territories (see package Countries).
As a consequence, if it appears, the international mapcode is always the last.


With a Territory specified, and Shortest set, returns the default mapcode for this territory.

Encode ( (52.376514000001, 4.908543375000), "NLD")
-> NLD 49.4V 'NLD 49.4V' 112

With a Territory set to Earth ("AAA"), returns the international mapcode, (whatever Shortest)

Encode ( (52.376514000001, 4.908543375000), "AAA")
-> AAA VHXGB.1J9J 'VHXGB.1J9J' 532

With a Territory specified, and Shortestset to False, returns all the possible mapcodes for this territory.

Encode ( (52.376514000001, 4.908543375000), "NLD", Shortest => False)
-> NLD 49.4V 'NLD 49.4V' 112
   NLD G9.VWG 'NLD G9.VWG' 112
   NLD DL6.H9L 'NLD DL6.H9L' 112
   NLD P25Z.N3Z 'NLD P25Z.N3Z' 112

With no limitation to a territory (and Shortest set), returns at least a worldwide mapcode (territory AAA, code 532), and possibly some mapcodes in territories.

Encode ( (52.376514000001, 4.908543375000) )
-> NLD 49.4V 'NLD 49.4V' 112
   AAA VHXGB.1J9J 'VHXGB.1J9J' 532

With Sort set, return the territory with shortest mapcode first.

Encode ( (39.730409000, -79.954163500), "", Shortest => False, Sort => False)
-> US-WV W2W2.Q41V 'US-WV W2W2.Q41V' 353
   US-PA BYLP.73 'US-PA BYLP.73' 361
   US-PA W2W2.Q41V 'US-PA W2W2.Q41V' 361
   USA W2W2.Q41V 'USA W2W2.Q41V' 410
   AAA S8LY1.RD84 'S8LY1.RD84' 532

Encode ( (39.730409000, -79.954163500), "", Shortest => False, Sort => True)
-> US-PA BYLP.73 'US-PA BYLP.73' 361
   US-PA W2W2.Q41V 'US-PA W2W2.Q41V' 361
   US-WV W2W2.Q41V 'US-WV W2W2.Q41V' 353
   USA W2W2.Q41V 'USA W2W2.Q41V' 410
   AAA S8LY1.RD84 'S8LY1.RD84' 532

With a Precision of 2, returns higher precision mapcodes.

Encode ( (52.376514000001, 4.908543375000), Precision => 2)
-> NLD 49.4V-K3 'NLD 49.4V-K3' 112

Converting a Mapcode into a Coordinate

There is only one operation, Decode, which gives the coordinate of a mapcode. It accepts an optional argument to define the territory context of the mapcode.

The operation returns the coordinate (latitude and longitude in degrees), or raises the exception Decode_Error if the mapcode is not valid or ambiguous (in the context).

Attribute Description
Mapcode string, mapcode to decode
Context optional string, an ISO code (such as “NLD”) or territory number (such as "112") to indicate territory for the scope of the mapcode
return value coordinate (latitude and longitude in degrees), reals
exceptions Decode_Error, if the mapcode is invalid or ambiguous in the Context


Without any Context, only accept a worldwide mapcode.

Decode ("49.4V")
Raises Decode_Error             // Ambiguous

Decode ("VHXGB.1J9J")
-> (52.376504000000, 4.908535500000)

With a Context set, decode a short mapcode.

Decode ("49.4V", "NLD")
-> (52.376514000001, 4.908543375000)

Converting a Mapcode into a language

The reference language is Roman, used by the operations above. The child package Mapcodes.Language provides three operations to support conversion of a Mapcode in a Wide_String, to or from the languages: Roman, Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew, Devanagari, Malayalam, Georgian, Katakana, Thai, Lao, Armenian, Bengali, Gurmukhi, Tibetan, Arabic, Korean, Burmese, Khmer, Sinhalese, Thaana, Chinese, Tifinagh, Tamil, Amharic, Telugu, Odia, Kannada and Gujarati.

Get_Language identifies a language name expressed (as a unicode sequence) either in Roman or in its own language.

attribute description
Name Unicode_Sequence of a language name
return value the language
exceptions Unknown_Language, if the Name does not denote a supported language

Get_Language detects the language, checks that all the characters are compatible and returns the language of the Input.

attribute description
Input Wide_String of a mapcode
return value the language used to encode the Input
exceptions Invalid_Text, if the Input is not correct


Get_Language ("VHXGB.1J9J-RD") 
-> Roman

Convert detects the language of the Input and converts it into the requested language.

attribute description
Input Wide_String of a mapcode
Output_Language One of the supported languages
return value The Input converted into the Output_Language
exceptions Invalid_Text, if the Input is not correct


Convert ("89.EU", Greek)
-> "Α9.Ω3"

Using the testing program

The command line testing tool t_mapcode can perform mainly three actions:

  • Display information on a territory

  • Decode a mapcode (with an optional context) into a coordinate

  • Encode a coordinate into mapcodes, according to options

Usage: ./t_mapcode -h // This help -t [ ] // Territory info -s // Same subdivisions -S // Search territory -d <territory_mapcode> // Decode -c [ ] // Encode -a <territory_mapcode> [ ] // Alternative mapcodes -l [ [ ] ] // List or convert into a language <territory_mapcode> ::= : | [ ] ::= [ ] [ ] [ ] ::= [ all | local | short] // Default short // short: one mapcode (the shortest) of each territory // all: all the mapcodes of all territories // local: the shortest among all the mapcodes ::= P0 .. P8 // Default P0 or from input ::= language name (any casing) or num (0 for Roman) // Input language is guessed, default output is Romaic

Default selection leads to encode with Shortest => True, while all leads to encode with Shortest => False, and 'local' leads to encode with Shortest => True and Shortest => True and to display the first entry of the returned array.


Put information on a territory (providing ISO code or number). The information consists in the territory number, followed by three possible mapcodes (Local, International and Shortest), followed by the territory full name.

t_mapcode -t KIR
-> KIR => 58: KIR/KIR/KIR/Kiribati

t_mapcode -t CA
-> CA => 391: CA/US-CA/CA/California
     Parent: USA

t_mapcode -t 410
-> USA => 410: USA/USA/USA/USA
     Has subdivisions

List all subdivisions named "xx-AL".

t_mapcode -s AL
-> US-AL => 364: AL/US-AL/US-AL/Alabama
     Parent: USA
   BR-AL => 318: AL/BR-AL/BR-AL/Alagoas
     Parent: BRA
   RU-AL => 482: AL/RU-AL/RU-AL/Altai Republic
     Parent: RUS

Search a territory by name.

Search a territory by name containing "alabama" (case insensitive)

t_mapcode -S alabama
-> 364 => 364: AL/US-AL/US-AL/Alabama
     Parent: USA

Encode a coordinate with a context and a precision, put information of the shortest mapcode. Information is the territory context of the mapcode, then the mapcode, then the full mapcode (territory and mapcode separated by a space and enclosed by quotes, except for international mapcodes where there is no territory), and then the territory number.

t_mapcode -c 52.376482500 4.908511796 NLD P2
->   52.376482500    4.908511796
   => NLD 49.4V-V2 'NLD 49.4V-V2' 112

Put all shorters mapcodes of a coordinate (no context).

t_mapcode -c 52.376482500 4.908511796 
->  52.376482500    4.908511796
   => NLD 49.4V 'NLD 49.4V' 112
   => AAA VHXGB.1J9J 'VHXGB.1J9J' 532

Put all mapcodes of a coordinate with a context.

t_mapcode -c 52.376482500 4.908511796 NLD false
-> 52.376482500    4.908511796
   => 49.4V NLD 'NLD 49.4V' 112
   => G9.VWG NLD 'NLD G9.VWG' 112
   => DL6.H9L NLD 'NLD DL6.H9L' 112
   => P25Z.N3Z NLD 'NLD P25Z.N3Z' 112

Put all mapcodes of a coordinate.

t_mapcode -c 39.730409000  -79.954163500 all 
-> 39.730409000  -79.954163500
   => US-WV W2W2.Q41V 'US-WV W2W2.Q41V' 353
   => US-PA BYLP.73 'US-PA BYLP.73' 361
   => US-PA W2W2.Q41V 'US-PA W2W2.Q41V' 361
   => USA W2W2.Q41V 'USA W2W2.Q41V' 410
   => AAA S8LY1.RD84 'S8LY1.RD84' 532

Put the local mapcode of a coordinate.

t_mapcode -c 39.730409000  -79.954163500 local
-> 39.730409000  -79.954163500
   => US-PA BYLP.73 'US-PA BYLP.73' 361

Decode a mapcode, no context.

t_mapcode -d 49.4V
-> 49.4V

t_mapcode -d VHXGB.1J9J
   => 52.376504000000 4.908535500000

Decode a mapcode with context.

t_mapcode -d NLD 49.4V 
-> NLD 49.4V
   => 52.376514000001 4.908543375000

Put alternative mapcodes for a mapcode (shortests).

t_mapcode -a NLD 49.4V
-> 49.4V NLD
   => NLD 49.4V 'NLD 49.4V' 112
   => AAA VHXGB.1J9J 'VHXGB.1J9J' 532

Convert a mapcode into Greek

t_mapcode -l VHXGB.1J9J 1
-> ΦΗ9ΓΒ.21Π39

Convert a mapcode into Roman

t_mapcode -l ΦΗ9ΓΒ.21Π39 Roman

List all languages

t_mapcode -l
-> 00 Roman
   01 Greek
   27 Gujarati

Version History


  • Add language support


  • Find non ambiguous subdivision before alias


  • Move apart the public characteristics of territories
  • Rename Image into Get_Territory_Number


  • Rename Get_Territory_Number into Get_Territory


  • Make Territory_Number a private type and rename it
  • Add the function Image of a territory
  • Test with any precision (0 to 8)
  • Swap options S and s
  • Improve resolution to 12 digits
  • Align length of country names and codes


  • Support encoding precision up to 8


  • Rewrite Iso2Ccode


  • Resolve subdivision without territory only if unambiguous
  • Reject subdivision with wrong territory
  • Get_Subdivisions_With takes a subdivision simple code


  • Add function Get_Subdivisions_With that lists subdivisions with same suffix


  • Remove parsing of partial context in the mapcode to decode


  • Add option -a of t_mapcode to list alternative mapcodes and improve parsing of arguments
  • Add new points to the test
  • Add option of fulltest to play only the scenario
  • Size Territory_Range from Ctrynams.Isofullname length


  • Add an option to sort the returned list of mapcodes
  • Add to t_mapcode a "local/all" option and support for "<territory>:<mapcode>"


  • Fix detection of invalid character in mapcode extension
  • Improve comments
  • In t_mapcode arguments and inputs, move the optional context before the mapcode
  • Remove useless


  • Update years of copyright
  • Fix and improve accuracy
  • Add automatic tests of territory, encoding and decoding, including expected failures. Fix defects.
  • Align max nr of mapcode results to C value, and check overflow
  • Get rid of global variable (Disambiguate)
  • Initial version for public domain release.


ADA implementation of Mapcode library







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