This document outlines the implementation details for initializing the Workmate SDK, updating attendance, and check-in and check-out for the end user application.
- SDK Integration
- Initialization
- Manage Workday
- Client Check-In and Check-Out
- Calculate Distance in km
- Users Movement Trails
- Get User Activity
- Get device Location Details
- Add below repository project level Gradle file below AGP 7.0.0
allprojects {
repositories {
url ''
url ''
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
- Add below code in settings.gradle file above AGP 7.0.0
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
url ''
maven {
url ''
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
- If you are using
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
flatDir {
url = uri("")
url = uri("")
- Add app level Gradle dependencies
implementation 'com.mappls.sdk:mappls-workmate:1.0.0'
- Make sure java version 8 is added
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
This function initializes the Workmate SDK with the required credentials and user information. It also handles authentication and provides callbacks for success and failure.
Kotlin Implementation
activity,clientId, clientSecret, username, password
authCallback = object : WMAuthListener {
override fun onAuthSuccess(response: AuthResponse) {
//Do something
override fun onAuthFailure(error: String) {
//Do something
Java Implementation
activity,clientId, clientSecret, username, password
new WMAuthListener() {
public void onAuthSuccess(AuthResponse response) {
// Do something
public void onAuthFailure(String error) {
// Do something
Use below method to refresh token when needed.
Kotlin Implementation
Workmate.refreshToken(activity, object : WMAuthListener {
override fun onAuthSuccess(response: AuthResponse) {
// Do something
override fun onAuthFailure(error: String) {
// Do something
Java Implementation
Workmate.refreshToken(activity, new WMAuthListener() {
public void onAuthSuccess(AuthResponse response) {
// Do something
public void onAuthFailure(String error) {
// Do something
: Activity context (just pass this).clientId : <String>
,clientSecret : <String>
,username : <String>
,password : <String>
: Credentials and user information required for SDK initialization.authCallback
: A callback to handle authentication results, including success and failure.
: Handles successful authentication and stores theaccessToken
: Handles authentication failure and displays the error message.
This function manages the attendance update process using the Workmate SDK, enabling users to perform start and end workday activities through this function.
Kotlin implementation
@Nullable attendanceId,
activityId (optional),
object : WMSessionListener {
override fun onSessionStarted(attendanceResponse: AttendanceResponse) {
//Do something
//attendanceResponse (id, message, status) here id is your attendance id.
override fun onSessionEnded(attendanceResponse: AttendanceResponse) {
//Do something
override fun onSessionError(sessionError: String) {
//Do smething
Java implementation
@Nullable attendanceId,
activityId (optional),
new WMSessionListener() {
public void onSessionStarted(AttendanceResponse attendanceResponse) {
// Do something
// attendanceResponse (id, message, status) - here id is your attendance id.
public void onSessionEnded(AttendanceResponse attendanceResponse) {
// Do something
public void onSessionError(String sessionError) {
// Do something
In above signatures attendnce id is optional. pass null to start session (Workday start) and pass attendance id to stop session (Workday End).
: Activity context (this)accessToken : <String>
: The access token obtained from the authentication process.attendanceId: <Int>
: Pass null to start the workday; the user will receive the ID upon completing the start workday activity.This ID is mandatory to end the workday.activityId: <Int>
: Provide the activity ID to access the activity while starting or ending the workday.If the workflow is disabled, pass null.formData: <JSONObject>
: If the workflow is enabled, provide the formData corresponding to the activityId.WMSessionListener
: A callback to handle the success or failure of the attendance update process.
: Logs and displays the success message when the session starts.onSessionEnded
: Logs and displays the success message when the session ends.onSessionError
: Logs and displays an error message if there's an issue with the session.
This function handles the process of client check-in and check-out information using the Workmate SDK.
Kotlin implementation
activity,clientId,activityId, formData,accessToken,
clientCheckInOutListener = object : WMClientCheckInOutListener {
override fun onClientCheckInOutSuccess(ClientCheckInOutResponse: clientCheckInOutResponse) {
//Do something
override fun onClientCheckInOutFailed(error: String) {
//Do something
Java implementation
activity,clientId,activityId, formData,accessToken,
new WMClientCheckInOutListener() {
public void onClientCheckInOutSuccess(ClientCheckInOutResponse clientCheckInOutResponse) {
// Do something
public void onClientCheckInOutFailed(String error) {
// Do something
: Activity context (this)clientId : <Int>
: After client cheakin. You'll get an clientId pass here for parameter.
In above implementation clientId is the checkinOut clientId. - While checkin pass null in clientId - While checkout pass clientId value retrived from onClientCheckInOutSuccess method.
activityId: <Int>
: Provide the activity ID to access the activity while checkin and checkout the task.If the workflow is disabled, pass null.accessToken : <String>
: The access token obtained from the authentication process.clientId : <String>
: This parameter represents the unique identifier for a client. The clientId is associated with the corresponding Workmate client.formData: <JSONObject>
: The form data required when checking in or checking out of a client. If the workflow is enabled, provide the formData that corresponds to the specified activityId. This object typically contains key-value pairs representing the data fields associated with the client . If the workflow is disabled, pass null.clientCheckInOutListener
: A callback to handle the success or failure of the check-in and check-out process.
: Displays a success message.onClientCheckInOutFailed
: Displays an error message.
This function handles the calculation of distance information using the Workmate SDK. It considers various inputs, such as userId, type, and time, to compute the total distance between them.Admins have the ability to retrieve the distance information for other users under their supervision.This functionality is designed to allow admins to monitor the distance-related activities of users who are associated with them.
Kotlin implementation
activity, userId,type,startTimeInEpoch, endTimeInEpoch,accessToken
calculateDistanceListener = object : WMCalculateDistanceListener {
override fun onCalculateDistanceSuccess(calculateDistanceResponse: CalculateDistanceResponse) {
//Do something
override fun onCalculateDistanceFailed(error: String) {
//Do smething
Java implementation
activity, userId,type,startTimeInEpoch, endTimeInEpoch,accessToken
new WMCalculateDistanceListener() {
public void onCalculateDistanceSuccess(CalculateDistanceResponse calculateDistanceResponse) {
// Do something
public void onCalculateDistanceFailed(String error) {
// Do something
: Activity context (this).userId: <String>
: Pass the userId for which you want to retrieve the drive distance or odometer distance.Admins have the ability to retrieve the distance information for other users under their supervision.type: <String>
: Pass type: 1 for drive distance and type: 2 for odometer distance.startTimeInEpoc : <Long>
: Sent start time in EPOCH.endTimeInEpoc : <Long>
: Sent stop time in EPOCHaccessToken: <String>
: Pass the access token recieved from auth.WMCalculateDistanceListener
: A callback to handle the success or failure of the calculate distance call.
: Displays a success message.onCalculateDistanceFailed
: Displays an error message.
The MovementTrails function is responsible for retrieving and managing user movement trail through the Workmate SDK. It provides a way to track and analyze the location history or movement patterns of users within a specific timeframe.
Kotlin implementation
activity, userId,startTimeInEpoc,endTimeInEpoc,accessToken,
movementTrailsListener = object : WMMovementTrailsListener {
override fun onMovementTrailsSuccess(movementTrailsResponse: MovementTrailsResponse) {
//Do something
override fun onMovementTrailsFailed(error: String) {
//Do smething
Java implementation
activity, userId,startTimeInEpoc,endTimeInEpoc,accessToken,
new WMMovementTrailsListener() {
public void onMovementTrailsSuccess(MovementTrailsResponse movementTrailsResponse) {
// Do something
public void onMovementTrailsFailed(String error) {
// Do something
: Activity context (this).userId: <String>
: Pass the userId for which you want to retrieve the movement Trails.Admins have the ability to retrieve the movement Trails information for other users under their supervision.startTimeInEpoc : <Long>
: Sent start time in EPOCH.endTimeInEpoc : <Long>
: Sent stop time in EPOCH.accessToken: <String>
: Pass teh access token recieved from auth.WMMovementTrailsListener
: A callback to handle the success or failure of the Movement Trails call
: Displays a success message.onMovementTrailsFailed
: Displays an error message.
The function is designed to retrieve user activity the Workmate SDK. It facilitates managing activities performed by users, either linked to specific tasks or conducted independently of any task.
Kotlin implementation
activity, userId,startTimeInEpoc,endTimeInEpoc,accessToken,
userActivityListener = object : WMUserActivityListener {
override fun onUserActivitySuccess(userActivityResponse: UserActivityResponse) {
//Do something
override fun onUserActivityFailed(error: String) {
//Do smething
Java implementation
activity, userId,startTimeInEpoc,endTimeInEpoc,accessToken,
new WMUserActivityListener() {
public void onUserActivitySuccess(UserActivityResponse userActivityResponse) {
// Do something
public void onUserActivityFailed(String error) {
// Do something
: Activity context (this).userId: <String>
: Pass the userId for which you want to retrieve the user activity .Admins have the ability to retrieve the user activity information for other users under their supervision.
startTimeInEpoc : <Long>
: Sent start time in EPOCH. -
endTimeInEpoc : <Long>
: Sent stop time in EPOCH -
accessToken: <String>
: Pass teh access token recieved from auth. -
: A callback to handle the success or failure of the task list call -
: Displays a success message.onUserActivityFailed
: Displays an error message.
This functions hepls you to find device location details. See the following:
latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, bearing, locationProvider
Kotlin Implementation
Workmate.getDeviceLocationData(activity, object : WMDeviceLocationListener {
override fun onDeviceInfoSuccess(deviceLocationInfo: DeviceLocationInfo) {
// Do something
override fun onDeviceInfoError(error: String) {
// Do something
Java implementation
Workmate.getDeviceLocationData(activity, new WMDeviceLocationListener() {
public void onDeviceInfoSuccess(DeviceLocationInfo deviceLocationInfo) {
// Do something
public void onDeviceInfoError(String error) {
// Do something
: Activity Context (this)
: On device location successonDeviceIntoError
: On device location error.