rano is nano rust helper, and its use nano :)
So when trying to write something in rust, using my favourite editor for it (no lie, I know you still can't get out of vim) I noticed that every time, every time I exited nano I had to click through the commands looking for these 2 commands:...
rustc wtcoode.rs
...and I thought to myself:
"Am I somehow able to automate this? Maybe if my program could loop so that with one click I could test the code as well as one click back to the editor?"
And yes, im do it. But now i want more!
Ok, so what's is done?
- You can create helloworld.rs
- You can edit it, and it auto recompile and run after close editor
- You can... Why im writing You can???
- After close program, You can back to the editor or close rano
- If your code cannot compile, YOU* can write number of error and rano open file on problematic line.
Ok, what's not working?
- You cannot write to other files except helloworld.rs (yes, thats not a bug, thats a temportary feature ;).
And what I want to add?
- Of course possibility to write other names of files
- Integration with fff for selecting files to edit
- Integration with cargo for support generating new projects, version control, libraries etc.
- Maybe Integration with git, but idk. for now.
Needed depences: nano and rustc. Thats all for now.
*(???YHW ?siht etirw ot evah I od yhw ,yhw)