cargo install --bin candumprb
A colorful candump version.
$ candumprb --help
candumprb 1.0.0
Candump Rainbow. A colorful can dump tool with dbc support.
candumprb [OPTIONS] <can-interface>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-i, --input <input> DBC file path, if not passed frame signals are not decoded
<can-interface> socketcan CAN interface e.g. vcan0
A colorful can frame generator that takes a DBC file as input for generating CAN frames. The random values of can signals are, by default, generated within the range specified in the DBC file. To create completely random frame payloads pass the --random-frame-data flag.
$ cangenrb --help
cangenrb 1.0.0
Cangen Rainbow. A colorful that generates CAN messages based on a supplied DBC file.
cangenrb [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <CAN_INTERFACE> --input <input>
--err Send random error frames
-h, --help Prints help information
-r, --random-frame-data Completely random frame data, unrelated to any signal
--rtr Send random remote transmission frames
-V, --version Prints version information
-f, --frequency <frequency> Frequency of sending in microseconds [default: 100000]
-i, --input <input> DBC file path
--transmitter <transmitter> Only generate messages of the given transmitter (sending node)
<CAN_INTERFACE> Only generate messages for the given receiver (receiving node)
A tool that collects statistics about received frames and the messages by message id.
canstatsrb 1.0.0
SocketCAN message statistics
canstatsrb <can-interface>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
<can-interface> socketcan CAN interface e.g. vcan0
RX Total: 6410
EFF Total: 3697 ERR: 0 RTR: 0
SFF Total: 2713 ERR: 0 RTR: 0
Messages by CAN ID
32 → # 107
113 → # 93
152 → # 95
161 → # 99
163 → # 95
290 → # 115
341 → # 85
367 → # 83
383 → # 104
489 → # 92
504 → # 94
548 → # 107
549 → # 111
626 → # 88