zsh-based dotfiles including Brew, Mackup and MacOS defaults
Based on https://github.com/driesvints/dotfiles, inspired by https://github.com/webpro/awesome-dotfiles
Clone this repository into
Run the install file:
cd $HOME/.dotfiles
chmod +x ./install.sh && ./install.sh
- Alfred
- Moom
- Sip
- Snippets Lab
- Google Chrome
- Google Backup and Sync
- Dropbox
- Visual Studio Code
- Android Studio 3.5.1
- Older Xcode versions: 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3
- Text Expander
- Set up Moom shortcuts
- Configure Finder sidebar items
- Recover 1Password keychain from Dropbox
- Sign in to Google and sync accounts
- Remove unneeded apps from Dock
- Restore fonts from backup drive
- Restore .ssh folder from backup drive
- In VS Code, run Shift + Command + P > Install 'code' command in PATH
- Install VS Code extensions