This is a small Django project to register and manage academic Deadlines
Here are the current django apps that compose this project
- events (related to academic events mangement)
- submissions ( manages submissions of papers to academic events)
- users (related to the Student that can signup to use this app)
This project requires a few packages. To install them use the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Before running the application we need to create the needed DB tables: migrate
Now you can run the development web server: runserver
To access the application go http://localhost:8000/
Tests are been added gradually, we intend to have in the nearest possible future a good test coverage.
To run tests on the application execute:
python test
To maintain PEP8 coding standard we implement code linting. To run the linting tool execute:
black .
This project is licensed under the GNU Version 3 License - see the file for details