A Liferay 7.2 Service for auto deploying Liferay templates (widgets-templates, webContent-templates, structures [in the future])
How it works:
- Install the service
- If you have a widgetTemplate with the name myBlogADT, so the only thing you need to do is to copy your myBlogADT.ftl file to your new directory {liferay.home}/deployTemplates
The deployTemplates dir has the following sub-dirs
|- deployTemplates
|-- {groupId}
|--- {resourceClassName} for example: PortletDisplayTemplate
|---- {className} for example: BlogsEntry
- Your file will be read and your ADT will be updated.
Obs: This is a initial idea with only some basic features:
- Auto deploy of existing widgetTemplates
- Auto deploy of existing webContentTemplates
- Auto deploy of new widgetTemplates
- Auto deploy of new webContentTemplates
In the future:
- Auto deploy of ddmStructures
demonstration (duration 10 min. / language: portuguese) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JuzpZ7Bx5sDb9fGtt25NNs1Oi8WALRBP/view?usp=sharing