Dit is een test!
This script will parse RSS feeds from the Dutch government in an attempt to find publications relevant to the field of digital civil rights and privacy. Some of the feeds will be included completely, others will be filtered using a list of keywords.
For example, this script is in use at rejo.zenger.nl where it monitors all documents released at officielebekendmakingen.nl and all press releases and other documents put to public by the Interior ministry and the ministry of Justice.
This script only needs one MySQL database with two tables. It's structure is included in the mysql.sql file. The scripts configuration file is included in feeds.example.cfg, which must be renamed to feeds.cfg. To start monitoring feeds one adds the row to the feeds table in the database. Of course, one needs to know the address of the RSS feed to monitor. The column filter denotes whether the articles from the feed must be filtered ("2") or not ("1"). The description field is self-explanatory, just like the active field. The format column changes the order of the output fields (as sometimes we prefer to have the description field from the input to be the title field on the output).
When feeds are added, run script on a regular basis from the crontab.
You are free to use and to hack this script. If you have any suggestions, feel free to send me an e-mail at <[email protected]>. Alternatively, fork a branche at <https://github.com/bitsoffreedom/newspeak> make changes yourself.