This software is a tool for computational homology for both cellular complexes and induced homology on maps. It is based on discrete Morse theory. It is used to compute Conley indices in the Conley-Morse-Database project.
See "LICENSE" for license details. See "INSTALL" for more installation notes.
- cmake
- boost
- CImg
- X11
- First install dependencies.
- Then, either:
To install into the system, i.e. /usr/local
install with
In the event of an error (e.g. the installer says Run with admin privileges or choose a non-system install path with —prefix
) then see the troubleshooting steps below.
Install via
./ --prefix=/path/to/install/folder
For macOS the easiest way to install dependencies is with "homebrew"
Install homebrew via
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Install dependencies via
brew install cmake
brew install gmp
brew install boost
brew install cimg
To install X11, follow the instructions on
To install CHomP:
git clone
cd CHomP
To test an example:
chomp-simplicial ./examples/simplex.simp
chomp-cubical ./examples/square.cub
File format: a list of new-line separated d-tuples, where d is the dimension of the cubical complex, and the tuples represent d-dimensional cubes which will be added to the complex (along with all of their faces):
Example: (Annulus-like shape made out of squares)
(0, 1)
(0, 2)
(1, 0)
(1, 2)
(2, 0)
(2, 1)
(2, 2)
chomp-simplicial ./examples/simplex.simp
File format: each line represents a simplex in the complex given by its vertices. For each simplex encountered, the simplex and all of its faces are generated. For instance 0 1 2
constructs a 2-cell, 3 1-cells, and 3 0-cells. The line 4
would create a single 0-cell corresponding to the vertex 4. Because subfaces are automatically created, it is sufficient to include maximal simplices (though allowed to include all)
Example: (Tetrahedron along with an isolated vertex)
0 1 2
0 1 3
0 2 3
1 2 3
chomp-matrix ./examples/torus.mat
File format: The format is in terms of a sparse matrix representation of the boundary maps n
, where i j k
indicating that $d_{n}{i,j} = k$, i.e. the jth cell in $C{n+1}$ has in its boundary
Example: (Torus; 1 2d-cell, 2 1d-cells, and 1 1d cell)
0 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 0
1 0 0
Question. The installer fails with the message
Run with admin privileges or choose a non-system install path with —prefix
What do I do?
Answer. The default install location is /usr/local
and typing ./
is equivalent to typing ./ --prefix=/usr/local
. The error indicates that /usr/local
is owned by the system and is not writable. Thus it doesn't do the install unless you give it a different location to install or otherwise change the situation.
Three explicit solutions are given below. The first two are for macOS users.
Solution 1. Install homebrew
On macOS the package manager homebrew
is widely used and sets the permissions on /usr/local
to be writable. CHomP
expects this is installed (as it is the simplest way to install the dependencies) and has made /usr/local
writable. Therefore, if homebrew
is not installed then installing it will likely solve the problem as it will fix the permissions on /usr/local
To check if homebrew
is installed, type
brew help
If this says command not found
then homebrew
is not installed. Instructions for installing homebrew can be found on Currently, it is as simple as running the following line on the terminal and following instructions:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Solution 2. Change the permissions on /usr/local
On macOS permissions on /usr/local
are typically made writable by user (thus preventing the above problem) when homebrew
is installed.
It is possible that an OS update has mucked up the permissions on /usr/local
subsequent to homebrew
being installed. In particular the El Capitan update was known to do this.
Thus, the permissions on /usr/local
are not suitable and need to be fixed. A known solution to this problem ( is to type the following lines on the command line:
sudo chown -R "$USER":admin /usr/local
sudo chown -R "$USER":admin /Library/Caches/Homebrew
Solution 3. Make a custom installation which is not to /usr/local
Note. This solution is not recommended to macOS users, but it IS recommended for Linux users who do not have the privileges to change the permissions on /usr/local
or otherwise want a custom install location.
To install to a custom location, use
./ --prefix=/path/to/where/you/want/it/installed
This will install the executables to
Now update ~/.bashrc
to add this location to the PATH
environmental variable, so that the command line can find the executables (e.g. chomp-simplicial
). That is, add the line
export PATH=/path/to/where/you/want/it/installed/bin/:$PATH
to the end of your ~/.bashrc
file (create one if it does not exist).
Documentation can be found here.
Please e-mail Shaun Harker [email protected] about problems or feature requests.