All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Welcome/splash dialog on first time application open. Same content of new “Contact” menu entry.
- Daily reminder for remembering to add the PDSA.
- Reworked navigation to avoid page caching.
- App usage badges (Badges page).
7.1.0 - 2024-03-15
- Updated events list.
- Updated dependencies.
7.0.1 - 2023-09-11
- Updated events list.
- Updated dependencies.
7.0.0 - 2023-08-16
- Documentation files moved to OrgMode instead of Markdown.
- Changelog now refers to most recent Keep A Changelog 1.1.0.
- New ADR-13 introduced, to deprecate and cancel ADR-0.
- New ADR-14 introduced, to deprecate and cancel ADR-3.
- New ADR-15 introduced, to deprecate and cancel ADR-4.
- Updated Node and dependencies.
- Changed CodeBerg username from
6.8.1 - 2023-06-06
- Better app pages Usage and descriptions added in README file.
- Update events list.
6.8.0 - 2023-05-26
- Introduce bookmarks to 5Q card (thanks Tilo for the idea!).
- Update events list.
6.7.0 - 2023-05-22
- Revamp 5Q card with new font size and number markers, in progress.
- Update events list.
6.6.2 - 2023-05-16
- Updated events list.
- Updated 5Q card text size.
6.6.1 - 2023-05-02
- Updated events list.
- Updated snackbar message duration on save/delete actions.
6.6.0 - 2023-04-18
- Day of the week in PDSA journal title.
- Updated events list.
- Updated German translation (thanks Ettore Atalan [email protected]).
6.5.1 - 2023-04-14
- Updated events list.
- Update to Node LTS 18.16.0.
6.5.0 - 2023-04-05
- It’s now possible to keep PDSA and other app data when uninstalling. Data will be automatically available, if compatible, when installing again the app.
- Calendar days navigation available in PDSA page.
- Duplicable previous PDSA fields within a week. If you are filling a new PDSA journal entry and you want to duplicate the content of a field, the duplicate function (left-side icon on each field) will allow to automagically read the content of the same field if the previous day or, if not available, in the day before, moving back in time for maximum 7 days. If a field in a previous day has some content, such content will be duplicated in the same field of the current day.
- Updated Events.
- Reworked PDSA Journal page and daily card structure.
- Fixed maximum selectable day in calendar to device current day.
- Modifications in PDSA Journal Learnt field do not trigger save icon #25
6.4.2 - 2023-03-29
- Updated Events.
6.4.1 - 2023-03-28
- Events list removed from I18N.
- Updated Events.
6.4.0 - 2023-03-23
- New Events page with currently known events.
- Update to Node LTS 18.15.0.
- Simplified font management.
6.3.0 - 2023-03-20
- Alert splash for scam on Google Play.
- Documentation and files in Italian. Removed to avoid misalignment with English.
6.2.0 - 2023-02-03
- Theme setting removed: the app will start automagically with current device theme.
6.1.1 - 2023-01-05
- Introduce error message when saving PDSA entry.
- Simplify language settings icon(s).
- Wrap Home Page in PageContainer
- Draft example for Badges page.
- Small layout and graphical reviews.
- Rework for bug #6.
6.0.0 - 2022-12-12
- Main repository is now Codeberg and the reference URL is TKCompanionApp.
- Update dependencies (React Native, RN Calendars, …).
- Update README files badges. Goal is to remove dependency from external services, where possible.
- Refactored translations and naming.
5.0.0 - 2022-11-04
- Introduce Carnegie Hall joke.
- Update React Native Paper to v5(RC9).
- Upgraded Gradle Wrapper with SHA256 checksum.
- Home page, 5Q card, Contact dialog, About, … many screens have been reviewed and simplified.
- Simplification lead to unused components that has been removed.
4.0.1 - 2022-10-04
- Version 4.0.0 crashes #19
4.0.0 - 2022-09-30
- React Native version 0.68.3.
- NPM version 8.19.2.
- Android NDK r23c
- OpenSSF Best Practices moved from 88% to 90% (see #11).
- Updated NodeJS to LTS v16.17.1.
- Rework of
translation file to use proper standard withnb-NO.json
- Unused fonts removed.
- App crashes when opening calendar in a language different from Italian bug #14
- Wrong dark/light mode and default language #17
3.1.2 - 2022-09-13
- Briar link.
- Fix bugs #14 and #15 for calendar translations.
3.1.1 - 2022-08-26
- Marker for saved dates
- Update pre-commit hook
- Update security file
- Update Norwegian translation
3.1.0 - 2022-07-21
- Basic daily PDSA with save, read and delete. Now you can choose a day, read/write/modify your own PDSA notes, save or delete them or even delete the whole day, if needed. Plus a button for the current day.
- Updated NodeJS to LTS v16.16.0.
3.0.1 - 2022-07-07
- Alert on calendar click for PDSA WIP status page.
3.0.0 - 2022-06-28
- Save and restore selected language. If your phone is in Italian language, but you choose English language for this application, the English language will be saved to be later restored on application reuse. And viceversa.
- New coaching model page added.
- Download icon buttons added to the documents selector page.
- 5Q card revamp in the original style, placed in home page.
- Downloads page removed.
- OpenSSF Best Practices moved from 82% to 88% (see #11).
2.2.0 - 2022-06-15
- Introduce French translation (thanks [[][J. Lavoie ([cite/t:@Edanas])]]!)
- Introduce Norwegian Bokmål translation (thanks [[][Allan Nordhøy ([cite/t:@comradekingu])]]!)
- Introduce German translation (thanks [[][Amy Dora Lang ([cite/t:@amydoralang])]]!)
- ADR-010 for using the I18N APIs in a more wrapped and safer way.
- ADR-011 for complying with OpenSSF Best Practices, when working on this app.
- Internal improvement on I18N management.
- Internal improvement on bottom navigation management.
- Update to latest Node LTS: 16.15.1.
- Proper attributions for translations licences.
- Introduce translator(s) field(s) for fixing #9.
- Bug “Download links error” #8.
- Bug “Change download links to TK website” #12.
2.1.0 - 2022-05-16
- ADR-009 for choosing the way to save settings and, possibly, other app data.
- Save and restore selected theme. If your phone is in light mode, but you choose dark/night mode for this application, the dark/night mode will be saved to be later restored on application reuse. And viceversa.
- Selected language saved: now if you change language, your selection is saved, in encrypted form, to be reused when reopening the application. The selected language is not yet restored on application reuse.
- Basic structure and layout for PDSA page.
- Delta Chat link for contact.
2.0.2 - 2022-05-05
- Briar link for contact.
- Donate button in F-Droid app page.
- Proper error management for
functionality when downloading files. Not a solution for issue #8, but still a possible way to, at least, catch errors. Introducingrn-fetch-blob
is difficult, due to old toolchain in React Native, also I prefer to let the phone decide how to manage those links.
- News “Docs” icon.
2.0.1 - 2022-04-27
- Updated dependencies versions.
2.0.0 - 2022-04-21
- ADR-008 for grouping the whole set of readable documents, including the 5Q card, in the “Documents” page.
- Introduce menu in “app bar” for about, copyright and settings.
- Move about, copyright and settings to home “app bar”.
- Move 5Q Card and Four Steps to Docs.
- Puzzle game.
1.1.0 - 2022-04-14
- Introduce Download icon in READMEs legend.
- Introduce simplest puzzle game.
- Copyright page links.
1.0.1 - 2022-04-11
- Improve
1.0.0 - 2022-04-08
- “Downloads” page, to collect all downloadable items (from The Toyota Kata Website or, possibly, other sources)
- Collect docs and texts in “Docs” page.
0.6.0 - 2022-03-31
- Dark/Light theme switcher and automatic initial selection of theme based on phone theme.
0.5.0 - 2022-03-30
- Thanks to Marco Montalbano.
- Settings page with basic language change.
- Home page layout.
- Unused [cite/t:@react-navigation/material-bottom-tabs].
0.4.0 - 2022-03-23
- Support for light/dark theme.
- The Four Steps of Improvement Kata.
- Improved icons and layouts.
- Default card layout also for 5Q card.
0.3.0 - 2022-03-18
- Improved themed (React Native Paper) layout for TKC.
- Updated NodeJS LTS.
- Updated React Native.
- Graphical revamping.
0.2.14 - 2022-03-15
- Introduce themed colours management.
- Introduce React Native Paper components for (possibly) better theming management.
- New icon for 5Q card menu item.
- Replace Material Bottom Tabs with default Bottom Tabs.
0.2.13 - 2022-03-10
- Proper I18N management with correct language identification.
0.2.12 - 2022-03-07
- #5 Complete I18N introduction with English and Italian translations.
0.2.11 - 2022-03-04
- screenshots in Italian.
- ADR-007 for GNU FreeFont Free Sans in the app.
- First CONTRIBUTING draft file, extracted from README, in both English and Italian.
- updated screenshots
- Former
folder renamed todocs
- REUSE compliance
0.2.10 - 2022-03-03
- Colour codes to readme.
- Local tests’ subsection.
- Proper “rounded” icons for Android.
- Introducing older versions management in metadata.
- More I18N management.
- Wrong package name
- Non-important inner style.
- Pending type check for TypeScript in Navigation element.
0.2.9 - 2022-02-28
Error in PNG file.
0.2.8 - 2022-02-28
Error in PNG file.
0.2.7 - 2022-02-25
- App Icon
- Better copyright screen
- README content properly updated
- Missing default text colour
- REUSE compliance
0.2.6 - 2022-02-23
- .gitignore
- README content properly updated
- REUSE compliance
0.2.5 - 2022-02-23
- App Icon
0.2.4 - 2022-02-22
0.2.3 - 2022-02-22
- Duplicated Ionicons.tts
0.2.2 - 2022-02-22
0.2.1 - 2022-02-22
- FreeSans as default font.
- ADR-006 for the removal of Expo Framework to allow F-Droid publishing.
- OpenSans font.
0.2.0 - 2022-02-18
- Full, for historical purposes.
- Fastlane 20.txt for latest changelog/version.
- Get rid of Expo framework since not compatible with F-Droid. No money for “developer programs” of Google or Apple.
0.1.12 - 2022-01-25
- New Open Sans font.
- Font sizes as per
- Refactor pages and buttons.
- Remove Improper Expo permissions from AndroidManifest.xml
0.1.11 - 2022-01-19
- Add icons to navigation buttons.
0.1.10 - 2022-01-12
- Fastlane structure
0.1.9 - 2022-01-11
- Update pics, version management
- Compiles for F-Droid.
0.1.7 - 2022-01-11
- Update build.
0.1.8 - 2022-01-10
- Missing version code.
0.1.5 - 2022-01-10
- Missing version code.
0.1.4 - 2022-01-10
- Missing version code.
0.1.3 - 2022-01-05
- Updated
- Do some refactoring.
0.1.2 - 2021-12-29
- Swap bad and good abouts
0.1.1 - 2021-12-29
- Update README and “infrastructure”.
0.1.0 - 2021-10-21
- Introduced ADR-000 for using ADR format for ADRs… See
- Introduced ADR-001 for using proper commit message rules. See
- Introduced ADR-002 for using EditorConfig configuration. See
- Introduced ADR-003 for using a defined README format. See
- Introduced ADR-004 for using a defined CHANGELOG format. See
- Introduced ADR-005 for using Semantic Versioning. See
- Introducing REUSE compliance. See
- Added React Styled Components. See
- Added main menu with Home, 5Q and About pages/screens.
- Home page
- 5Q card with front and back.