A short and small helper for Toyota Kata practitioners
Goal of this app is to be a practical vademecum/handbook for those interested in applying scientific thinking through Toyota Kata. It contains the Coaching Kata 5Q card, plus (possibly) more things and information. Content to be improved and updated from time to time.
DO NOT download TKCompanionApp from Google Play!!!
Please note that TKCompanionApp is currently not on Google Play and won’t be there in the near future.
There already was a case of an unwanted, ads-filled clone/copycat of TKCompanionApp on Google Play.
If you have downloaded TKCompanionApp from Google Play or Apple Play Store please, for your safety, remove it and install it only from F-Droid or from APK files available on the Codeberg repository.
See file SECURITY.org for notes and updates related to security issues.
From the Toyota Kata website:
Toyota Kata is a way for managers and educators to initiate and coach practice of practical scientific-thinking skills in their teams, to develop and mobilize creative capability. Competitive conditions favor teams and organizations that know how to adapt. It’s not as difficult as you might think, because you can begin by practicing a set of simple “Starter Kata.”
Toyota Kata is about starter practice routines for developing scientific thinking. From there each individual & team can develop their own way.
Toyota Kata is a skill-building process that shifts you and your team from a natural tendency to jump to conclusions … to thinking, working and reacting more scientifically. Best of all, you only need to practice 20 minutes a day, under the guidance of your coach.
This app is currently built using React Native to make building the app for both Android and iOS from the same source code easier.
Unfortunately, publishing the app on Google Play Store or on Apple App Store, requires money I don’t want to spend: it’s one-time $25 for a Google Developer Account, and it’s even $99/year (!) for the Apple Developer Program.
If you found it, DO NOT download TKCompanionApp from Google Play or Apple App Store: it’s not the real one available from F-Droid or Codeberg!
So (for now) you can find this app only through the F-Droid installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform.
To install this app, you then need the F-Droid client app (pretty similar to Google Play Store or Apple App Store) from the main site: there’s an easy QR Code to download and install it.
Then, open the F-Droid repository app and search for TKCompanionApp. Install it, and open it.
Eventually, you can directly download the APK from the app page on F-Droid website, to be installed manually on your device. There’s no difference in functionalities, the only difference being the fact that without the F-Droid client app you won’t receive automatic updates (just like Google Play did with other apps).
Welcome to the world of FOSS. Please also take a look at all other wonderful FOSS apps you can find in F-Droid.
Well, it’s easy: install the app, open the app, click some buttons. There are no games, no quizzes, no actions to take (yet). Just sit, follow the menu, learn, practice and improve.
The app is divided into four main areas.
The Home page currently shows the 5Q card and also gives the possibility to:
- change language through the Settings menu (top left),
- see the Legend panel with the explanations of all the buttons functionalities, for each page
- see the Contact panel with a brief statement on the privacy side and the contact channels
- see the Copyright panel, with the GNU General Public License copyright notice, the translator(s) names for the selected language and the font coyright notice.
- see the About panel with the current version number, the privacy statements with some useful links and the source code repository references.
The PDSA Journal page allows you to daily write your answers to the 5Q card, with a reference calendar and navigation buttons.
You are free to save and delete a full whole day or each single answer alone. You can also navigate directly to today (current, default day when opening the page) or browse the calendar.
The Documents page shows some reference documents and note from the Toyota Kata community.
Together with the 5Q card there is the Kata Code and a few other things that you can read directly from the app or see their original source by opening the associated reference link.
This is a manually-updated list of known (by me!) events, world-wide, related to Toyota Kata.
Main source is currently Mike Rother’s Twitter account but feel free to suggest more events.
Note: since the app has no Internet connection, I have to manually update its content every time an event is expired or has to be added. It might be not realtime, but I prefer to preserve privacy instead of letting the app connect to the Internet, as far as I can.
Events are listed in start dates order, with their official title as shown by the reference website, also added for navigation purposes (from your phone browser).
The app has been started by Marco Bresciani and is currently maintained by Marco Bresciani. Same for this document.
You can keep in touch with the author through:
- Delta Chat with the email address [email protected].
- as @AAMfP on Fosstodon, a Mastodon instance.
Current (and past) contributors:
Amy Dora Lang (@amydoralang, Ettore Atalan ([email protected]) for the German translation.
Marco Bresciani (@marcoXbresciani) for the English version.
J. Lavoie (@Edanas) for the French translation.
Marco Bresciani (@marcoXbresciani) for the Italian version.
Allan Nordhøy (@comradekingu) for the Norwegian Bokmål translation.
Thanks to (in appearing order):
- Marco Montalbano (@marcomontalbano) because without his teachings, this app would never have happened.
- @licaon-kter for the support on publishing the app to F-Droid.
- Mike Rother for the app icon.
- Gant Laborde (@GantMan) for mentioning TKCompanionApp in his React Native Apps Curated List of Open Source React Native Apps.
- @mondstern for mentioning TKCompanionApp in the we ❤️ @Codeberg list of F-Droid apps hosted on Codeberg.
- Tilo Schwarz for showing the thumb indexing idea on the 5Q card during KataCon EU 2023. See version 6.8.0
For contributing with translations in your own native language, you can see Weblate, that is the choosen platform for managing translations in multiple languages.
You can even contribute through Liberapay:
folder or COPYING
files, for the whole licences text.
Overall project license, in brief:
© 2021-2024 Marco Bresciani
This file is part of TKCompanionApp.
TKCompanionApp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
TKCompanionApp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with TKCompanionApp. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
This document license, in brief: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-CC_BY_SA-green?logo=creativecommons&labelColor=gray
© 2021-2024 Marco Bresciani
Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
notice and this notice are preserved.
This file is offered as-is, without any warranty.
This is a freely licensed work, as explained in the Definition of Free Cultural Works.
Free Sans is the used font, and it’s licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
Font used is Free Sans.