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A Python module for collecting helper functions used in the prediction of UK property prices, following the Fynesse framework.

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Predicting UK property prices with generalised linear models

This project was done as part of the Advanced Data Science course at the University of Cambridge. The task was to predict the value of a property, given a (longitude, latitude) tuple, a date, and a house type. This was done using a generalised linear model, fitted on UK Price Paid Data, using OpenStreetMap to create additional useful features. A discussion of the results, justification of feature selection and model parameters, etc. can be found in this notebook which documents the whole project. Several utility functions were written to aide the process, all of which are outlined in the Repository overview.

Marks out of 50 (and feedback received from examiners):

Repository Overview

  1. Access
    1. Database setup
    2. Database queries
    3. Schema setup
    4. Data import
    5. OSM access utilities
    6. General utility functions
  2. Assess
    1. Visualisation utilities
    2. Sanitsation
    3. Dataframe aggregation
  3. Address
    1. Adding features
    2. House price prediction
    3. Dimensionality reduction

This repo contains a set of utility functions associated with the tasks of:

  • Access ing prices paid data, postcode data and Open Street Map (OSM) data
  • Assess ing this data
  • Address ing the property price prediction questions.

As such, the functions in this repo is organised into three sections: Access, Assess and Address .


Database setup

  • get_and_store_credentials()
  • get_database_details()
  • create_database(db_name)
  • get_database_connection(database, get_connection_url=False)

These functions handle everything from interactively connecting to the database to getting a PyMySQL connection object for doing queries to it.

Throughout accessing data from our tables, we will do a lot of database queries and it's more suitable to do this with the PyMySQL API than through magic line commands because this allows more flexibility. For example, we can interrupt the query manually if we see it is taking forever, without leaving a connection open. We also create a new connection each time we do a query such that we don't need to pass a connection object around everywhere. Additionally, our db_query and db_select functions allow manually interrupting the SQL query if it takes an unexpected long time to complete, and safely closing the connection such that future queries are not affected.

Database queries

  • db_query(query, database="property_prices")
  • db_select(query, database="property_prices", n=None, one_every=None)
  • inner_join_sql_query(minYear=None,maxYear=None,minLatitude=None
  • prices_coordinates_range_query_fast(minLon, maxLon, minLat, maxLat, yearRange=None)

The db_query and db_select functions are abstraction of the process of getting a database connection, running the query, and then closing the connection. They also handles KeyboardInterrupts nicely. The former is used to make changes and the latter is for fetching data using SELECT statements and return the result as a pandas dataframe.

The last two functions are for joining the pp_data and postcode_data tables on the fly, and the last one return a dataframe with columns as specified in the joined schema listed in Task D. The inner_join_sql_query is just for getting the query string, because we may want to modify this slightly by e.g. adding additional conditions. For example:

db_select(inner_join_sql_query(...) + " AND country = 'England'")

Note: The last function is an artefact of me waiting long periods of time for AWS to finish its queries, so it's a less flexible version of db_select(inner_join_sql_query(...)) optimised for amortized speed using caching.

All of these functions seem appropriate for putting in "assess" as they can extract subsets of the accessible data that is interesting to user, and put it into pandas dataframes which are nice to work with. However, this process of putting some of the data into pandas dataframe is also a way of making the data accessible in the notebook. As a result, it's not clear which phase they belong to.

Schema setup

  • create_pp_data_table()
  • create_postcode_data_table()

These functions simply create new tables in the database with the schemas specified for pp_data and postcode_data.

Data import

  • upload_csv(csv_file, table_name)
  • download_file_from_url(url)
  • download_and_upload_price_paid_data(ymin=1995,ymax=2022)
  • download_and_upload_postcode_data()

These functions are used for loading .csv files from URLs into the created database tables, more specifically the pp_data and postcode_data tables.

OSM access utilities

  • get_pois_around_point(longitude, latitude, dist_in_km, required_tags=[], keys={}, dropCols=True)
    • This function makes a bounding box around specified coordinates and returns a GeoDataFrame of the POIs found on OSM within this bounding box for the specified keys and/or tags.
  • get_pois_with_amenity_value(longitude, latitude, dist_in_km, amenities)
    • This function has similar functionality, but finds POI with key amenity equal to any value listed in amenities

These were implemented using osmnx's geometries_from_bbox API call.

General utility functions

  • km_to_crs(dist_km, latitude=53.71, longitude=-2.03)
  • crs_to_km(dist_crs)
  • flatten(coll)
  • point_to_bounding_box(longitude, latitude, size)

These functions do not really belong in the Fynesse framework, but they are procedures I found myself repeating very often all the way from the access phase to the address phase, so I put them in

The crs and km conversion functions translates between distances specified in number of EPSG:4326 degrees and number of kilometres. Note: these functions have some inaccuracies since they don't take into account the latitude of the location where the translation happens. Instead, they assume the translation is happening at the equator. I decided not to fix this because it would require major refactoring and the inaccuracies were only minor.


Visualisation utilities

  • geoplot(title, figsize=(12,12))

  • plot_housing_density_against_price_and_amt_data(gdf, loc, osm_accommodation_types)

  • plot_geographical_heatmap(ax, gdf, val, bins, transform='mean', useLog=False)

  • plot_pois_around_area(longitude, latitude, dist_in_km, figName, keys)

  • highlight_topn(n)

  • highlight_aboven(n)

The first set of functions are used for various visualisations of either POIs in a geographical area or for plotting heatmaps with specified aggregation functions.

The last two are for getting lambdas that can be passed to DataFrame.corr().style.apply to better visualise feature correlation.

For the heatmap visualisation function, I start by creating a square grid of bins, and then place each of the rows in gdf in a bin based on their Point or centroid location. I then group together the entries in the same x and y bins and run specified transform function on it, using column val. If transform='count', the heatmap will visualise the number of each entry located in each square bin.


  • make_geodataframe(df)
  • recover_df_from_file(filename, upload_required=True)
  • find_num_missing_values(table_name, columns)

These are utility functions for assessing incompleteness in existing data or for recovering lost information. The main motivation for recover_df_from_file is that when converting a GeoDataFrame or pandas Dataframe to a .csv and then reimporting it, some of the data in columns like geometry and date_of_transfer have their types changed. This functions reencodes such data.

Dataframe aggregation

  • _add_spatial_aggregate_column(gdf, pois, dist_in_km, col_name, agg_f, nafill=np.nan, cacheBy='postcode')
  • get_num_pois_within_radius(gdf, pois, dist_in_km, col_name)
  • get_closest_poi_within_radius(gdf, pois, dist_in_km, col_name)
  • get_average_dist_to_poi_within_radius(gdf, pois, dist_in_km, col_name)

These functions take a GeoDataFrame and return the same dataframe, but with a new column with values that are calculated through some specific aggregation after a spatial join with the second argument pois.

The last three functions all use _add_spatial_aggregate_column which works as follows:

  • Each entry in gdf is put in a group together with all the entries in pois that are within dist_in_km of the gdf entry's spatial position.
  • A specified aggregation function is run on this group, producing a value (e.g. the number of pois entries in the group)
  • This value is added to a new column with name col_name

When programming this, I also realised how similar counting the number of POIs within an area and finding the closest POI within that area are, so that's why I abstracted away this procedure in the most general way in _add_spational_aggregate_column


Adding features

  • add_feature_from_pois(gdf, pois, larger_gdf=None, **feature_kwargs)
  • add_many_features_from_pois(gdf, pois, larger_gdf=None, **feature_kwargs)

These functions take a feature specification dictionary item e.g. on the form:

  'func' : 'closest',
  'pois_cond' : lambda pois : pois[pois['public_transport'].notna()],
  'dist' : 3, # km
  'name' : 'closest_transport'

and adds a new column to the provided dataframe gdf with values for this feature.

The implementation of these functions is based on the pois-aggregation functions implemented in The functions simply inspect the func field and pass the rest of the arguments onto the relevant pois aggregation function.

House price prediction

  • build_prices_coordinates_features_dataset(latitude, longitude, date, property_type, bb_size_km, pois_bb_size_km, year_range_size, pois_keys, features, logging=False)
  • predict_price(latitude, longitude, date, property_type, build_dataset_kwargs, design, printSummary=False, plotAx=None)
  • predict_price_simple(latitude, longitude, date, property_type)

The first function fetches all the relevant prices_coordinates data and adds a new column to the dataframe for each of the specified features. This function is called in the predict_price function and the arguments to it are encoded in the build_dataset_kwargs parameter. I abstracted away the process of building the dataset with all the features because I found it useful to just build such a dataframe, without doing price predictions, for other tasks done in the notebook.

The predict_price function takes in all the basic information about the property from latitude to property_type. It also takes a specification of a design matrix. This specification is a function from a GeoDataFrame to a 2-dimensional numpy array. The build_dataset_kwargs also have to be specified (specific structure in the function docs). The predict_price function starts by building the dataset using the above utility function. It then trains a statsmodel GLM on 80% of this data and the model is tested on the remaining 20%, allowing us to plot the predictions against the true price, as well as computing various metrics. When making a prediction for the property type specified through the function parameters, we make use of the add_many_features_from_pois utility function to calculate the feature values for the single property we are making a prediction for. This requires providing the pois dataframe and the larger gdf_for_num_houses dataframe that was used in the computation of the features for the training set. Therefore, these dataframes are returned by build_prices_coordinates_features_dataset such that we can pass them on to add_many_features_from_pois. All in all, we are running the functionality to add features twice: One batch run for all of our training+testing data, and once for the single datum we want to predict the price for. The former happens in build_prices_coordinates_features_dataset and the latter in predict_price, but in both instances add_many_features_from_pois is used.

The predict_price_simple simply makes a call to predict_price, but with a specified build_dataset_kwargs and design matrix. If the user does not want to create their own feature specification or design matrix, this is the more accessible function.

Dimensionality reduction

  • do_pca(design_matrix_fun, data_gdf, features, ncomponents=4)

This function takes a design matrix, a dataset with already evaluated features and a list of features. It then does PCA on these features and reports how much of the variance in the data each of the top ncomponents prinicpal components describes, and which feature has the largest coefficient in each PC.


A Python module for collecting helper functions used in the prediction of UK property prices, following the Fynesse framework.






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