Almost entirely made with the canvas
- 🐍
to enable the use of the keyboard - 🍎 JS collision detection to make the snake grow longer & for game over
- 🌟 High score saved to
- ⚡ Game speend increases as the score gets higher with aid of
- 🎵
implemented for maximum user experience - 🔕 Button with the functionality to toggle
ing the page - 🕹️ Personalised favicon for the page
- 🎨
and CSStransitions
Main learning outcomes => working with canvas and managing a complex game state.
Notes on the <canvas>
element and accessability:
Canvas content is not exposed to accessibility tools as semantic HTML is. In general, you should avoid using canvas in an accessible website or app. More info availble on MDN.
- Research resposive design for canvas & unit testing for canvas
- Add extra game features:
- one could be a coloured cube to avoid. Will flash and disappear after 5 secs.
- one could be bonus food to catch for extra points, again disappear after a few secs.
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