The Green-Mile is a web application that is meant for use in the door to door delivery of packages.
- Supplier can register/create their packages.
- Supplier can know the most efficient way the package will be delivered.
- The recepient can know when the package will arrive.
- Supplier can view their shipments.
- Supplier can view their invoices
- Recipient can receive packages
- Recipient can view deliveries
- The Admin is able to create, read, update and delete all information on the system.
- The loader is able to view information on how to load
POST | api/v1/auth/login | Logs in a user |
POST | api/v1/auth/signup | Registers a user |
GET | api/v1/packages | Fetches all packages |
POST | api/v1/packages | Supplier creates a package |
GET | api/v1/packages/recipient_packages | Recipient can view their packages |
GET | api/v1/packages/supplier_packages | Supplier can view packages they created |
GET | api/v1/packages/<package_id> | Fetches a single package |
POST | api/v1/status | Adds a shipment status |
POST | api/v1/invoices | Creates an invoice |
POST | api/v1/packages/loadingtype | Creates the package loading type |
POST | api/v1/packages/packagetype | Creates the package type |
GET | api/v1/recipients | Admin can view all recipients |
GET | api/v1/filter/<order_number> | Filter all packages |
Create a new directory and initialize git in it. Clone this repository by running
git clone
Create a virtual environment. For example, with virtualenv, create a virtual environment named venv using
virtualenv venv
Activate the virtual environment
cd venv/scripts/activate
Install the dependencies in the requirements.txt file using pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the application by running
Test your setup using postman REST-client
- Install nosetests
- Navigate to project root
- Use
nosetests tests/
to run the tests - To run tests with coverage, use
nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=api && coverage report