Project Name: React Native Utils
Welcome to the React Native Utils project! This repository contains utility functions and modules for various functionalities in React Native applications, including Dynatrace integration, user authentication with Face ID and passcode, secure storage, RSA encryption/decryption, error boundaries, internet service management, and permissions handling.
@dynatrace/react-native-plugin (^2.287.2)
- A plugin for integrating Dynatrace monitoring into React Native applications.
@react-native-community/netinfo (^11.3.1)
- Provides information about the device's network connection state.
@react-navigation/native (^6.1.17)
- A navigation library for React Native applications.
@react-navigation/stack (^6.3.29)
- Stack navigator for React Navigation.
react (18.2.0)
- A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
react-native (0.73.6)
- A framework for building native apps using React.
react-native-biometrics (^3.0.1)
- Allows integration with biometric authentication methods like Face ID and Touch ID.
react-native-error-boundary (^1.2.4)
- A higher-order component for handling errors in React Native applications.
react-native-gesture-handler (^2.16.0)
- A library for gesture recognition in React Native.
react-native-image-picker (^7.1.2)
- A React Native module for picking images from the device's gallery or camera.
react-native-permissions (^4.1.5)
- A module for requesting and checking permissions in React Native applications.
react-native-rsa-native (^2.0.5)
- A React Native module for RSA encryption and decryption.
react-native-safe-area-context (^4.9.0)
- A library for handling safe area insets in React Native.
react-native-screens (^3.30.1)
- Provides native primitives for navigation in React Native.
rn-secure-storage (^3.0.1)
- A module for secure storage of sensitive data in React Native applications.
Clone this repository to your local machine using:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd Local-Auth
Install dependencies using npm or yarn:
npm install
yarn install
Follow the documentation and guidelines for integrating specific functionalities into your React Native project.
- Ensure that your development environment is set up for React Native before integrating these utilities into your project.
- Each module may require additional configuration and setup. Please refer to the respective documentation for detailed instructions.
- For any issues or questions related to the utilities provided in this repository, feel free to create a new issue or reach out to the maintainers.
Enjoy using these utilities to enhance the functionality and security of your React Native applications! If you have any further questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to ask.