Build platform base on the zigbee protocol with CC2530
- Download and install EW8051-9301 IAR Tool
- Choose "File -> Open -> Workspace"
- Install SmartRF to check CC2530 Node with CC-Debugger
- Install CCDebugDriver_x64 for debugging and flash programming
- Frequency: 2.4 GHz
- chip: CC2530
- Communication: UART, SPI
- Distance: 150m
- Anten: PCB Antena and IPEX
Download and install Z-Stack Mesh package
Physical Layer: This layer does modulation and demodulation operations up on transmitting and receiving signals respectively.
MAC Layer: This layer is responsible for reliable transmission of data by accessing different networks with the carrier sense multiple access collision avoidance (CSMA). This also transmits the beacon frames for synchronizing communication.
Zigbee Stack: This layer contain the sub-layer as Network layer(NWK), Application support sublayer(APS) Security
OSAL Layer: Operating System Abstract Layer
HAL Layer: Hardware Abstract Layer
Application Framework include 240 Zigbee Device Object(ZDO)