README Cointains the guide how to set the UDOO by scratch
- install the UDOObuntu_neo_v2.0rc1.img in a sd card
- modify the /etc/network/interfaces like suggested in daemons/etc/interfaces
- place the sd card in the udoo neo, connect the udoo with an ethernet to you PC and to internet and power it on
- login to it with login: udooer, pass: udooer
- install the following software, after sudo apt-get update. The sudo password is udooer. This requires a while. sudo apt-get install expect ntp rsync python-matplotlib vim git daemontools daemontools-run python-scipy p7zip-full sox vsftpd pip install scipy
- type git clone if doesn't work due to server certificates, please type export GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=1 and retry
- create a new user called themo_user with a searten password decided from the admin with no root privileges. To do that, type: adduser themo_user then follow the procedure and confirm
- change the password of the root user (udooer) in order to have an higher level of security. Please, type: sudo passwd udooer
- if you want to use a dhcp, configure /etc/network/interfaces accordingly, and change the host name to avoid multiple hosts with the same ip: change the host name in /etc/hostname and the frist two lines of /etc/hosts accordingly
- modify /etc/vsftpd.conf and set "write_enable=YES"
- login as themo_user
- cd script
- chmod +x *.sh
- in YOUR PC open an tcp server at the port 44444 (typing nc -l 44444)
- in the UDOO run one of the scripts .sh with ./<script_name>.sh
- reboot it to make the daemons running and change hostname permanently
NOTE: if you have some ssh key problem (offending, scp problems, ..),please type (in all user, root as well): ssh-keygen -R