Swift Horizontal Scroll control that allows scrolling over a set of images on X axis. This control also provides a customizable title Header and Footer
- Copy files to ios project
- Create a View and set the View Class to HorizontalScroll
class ViewController: UIViewController, HorizontalScrollDelegate {
@IBOutlet weak var scroll: HorizontalScroll!
override func viewDidLoad() {
scroll.delegate = self
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
scroll.setUpScrollWithImagesPath(["images.jpeg", "image1.jpg", "image2.jpg"],
imagesTitles: ["This is a large title that fits to container", "Titulo2", "Titulo3"],
titleColor: UIColor.grayColor(),
withAddButtonImage: nil)
func HorizontalScrollDidSelectAddButton(scroll: UIScrollView, selectedView: UIView?) {
NSLog("Select add button")
func HorizontalScrollDidSelectElement(scroll: UIScrollView, selectedView: UIView?, elementAtIndex: Int?) {
NSLog("Select Element")
- Get images from a Url List