A simple 🥸 to-do list plugin for Neovim built using lua.
Use the key mappings:
- Inset new item;<leader>x
- Toggle item status;
The to-do plugin needs to be initialized using:
require('todo').setup {}
However, you can pass in some config options, the defaults are:
require('todo').setup {
-- Symbols used
done_symbol = "[X] ",
todo_symbol = "[ ] ",
-- keymaps used in normal mode to operate the plugin
new_item_key_map = "<leader>i",
done_key_map = "<leader>x"
Install just as you would a normal plugin, here are some options:
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/plugins/start
cd ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/plugins/start
git clone https://github.com/mariogarridopt/todo.nvim
Using packer.nvim:
use "mariogarridopt/todo.nvim"