Contact | Organization | Date |
[email protected] (Khushbu Patel) | CHOP | 2019-02-21 |
This pipeline plots VAF values for various pairs of Samples (Diagnose-Relapse/Diagnose-Diagnose/Relapse-Relapse), label genes of interest and generates plots of total number of mutation across various samples.
- Install docker for Mac (Check your installation by typing
docker -h
in the terminal and you should see docker help manual open) - Open docker terminal and execute the following commands
Save the Dockerfile in a folder (do not rename the Dockerfile file)
docker build -t <image_repository>:<tag> <path/to/Dockerfile>
docker run -i -t <image_repository>:<tag> /bin/bash
The above command will open an interactive shell, where you will find the resulting files and folders generated by the pipeline. You can navigate through the folders using standard linux commands.
docker cp <container_Id>:/file/path/within/container /host/path/target
This script calculates variant allele frequencies for all non-silent VEP passed RNA variants and annotates with its DNA counterpart. The resulting file is a DNA MAF annotated with RNA variants and its corresponding variant allele frequencies.
Rscript DNA-RNA-VAF.R <DNA_MAF.rda> <RNA_MAF.maf> <clinical_file.txt>