This repository is used for Zephyr C++ API development. It have all necessary source code, samples
and tests. This repository allow use of native_posix_64
for development purposes.
The you must follow the steps at Zephyr RTOS getting started.
To provide a consistent environment across developers and the CI we rely on Nix. The installation is very easy and works in any Linux distribution but it requires few packages available. For Debian/Ubuntu based distributions you can use
sudo apt install -y curl rsync zsh xz-utils git-core
Next, to install the Nix daemon inside the existing operating system you can run:
curl -L | sh -s -- --daemon
# Enable Nix Flakes support
mkdir -p ~/.config/nix
echo 'experimental-features = nix-command flakes' > ~/.config/nix/nix.conf
After the Nix is installed, you can start the development environment using:
nix develop
Inside the shell, all SDK is available for use, as can be seen below:
% nix develop
[user@machine:~/zephyr-c++-api/c++-api]$ west --version
West version: v0.14.0